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Tid og sted: , PAM 425

This workshop is designed for PhD candidates working with qualitative data, particularly interviews, in the humanities and social sciences. 

Tid og sted: , Professorboligen

Welcome seminar for new PhD candidates and their supervisors at the Faculty of Humanities.

Tid og sted: , Niels Treschows hus, 12th floor

In this course, we will present and discuss different methodological approaches to research on writing, as a basis for participants’ work to plan and carry out their own research projects.

Tid og sted: , HF-12, Niels Threschows hus

Kva kan eit fokus på følelser tilføya historieskrivinga? Korleis kan ein identifisera og fortolka følelser i fortida? I løpet av denne workshopen vil me undersøka kva for nye perspektiv på fortida som kan opna seg om ein har eit blikk for følelser, og me vil diskutera korleis ein kan gå metodisk fram for å finna og forska på følelsene i arkivet.

Tid og sted: , Swedish Institute at Athens

This 5-ECTS course for PhD Fellows course aims to explore the ‘Viking phenomenon’ in every sense of the term. The primary (but non-exclusive) focus will be on the start of the so-called Viking Age: why and how did it begin, why then, and are we justified in making such a division of the distant past?

Tid og sted: , Sophus Bugges hus

The PhD week program offers introductory and advanced courses in theories of knowledge, research ethics and methods, as well as writer's hours and skills-oriented courses and workshops - and social events.

Tid og sted: , University of Oslo, Tøyen hovedgård

Archaeological storytelling and writing as method 


Tid og sted: , Nord University

How to write a high-quality PhD dissertation in history? In small groups, students present and discuss their own PhD writing with peers and faculty. This workshop is held in conjunction with the Norwegian History Days 2024.

Tid og sted: , SB Seminarrom 2 & HL-senteret

An interdisciplinary PhD course on structural racism with contributors from UiO, USN, NTNU, and HL-Senteret.

Tid og sted: , Harriet Holters hus, seminarrom 041

Text development seminar in area studies organised by Professor Atle L. Wold at ILOS. The text development seminar is a compulsory component of the PhD programme.

Tid og sted: , in PAM 489 and Zoom

We want to invite you to an open evaluation with our PhD-fellow in Japanese Studies Ben Grafstrom. To comment on the candidates work, we have invited Assistant Professor of ethnography and performing arts of Japan, Andrea Giolai (Leiden University).

Tid og sted: , Thursday and Friday: ROM for kunst og arkitektur, Oslo, Norway. Saturday: The Museum of Cultural History, Oslo, Norway

Can exhibitions be qualified as research-in-itself? If they can, then how? Which criteria should be the basis of evaluating and verify research exhibitions? The aim of the PhD course is to build a solid knowledge-base for understanding the relationship between exhibitions and research in the past and today, in order to collectively explore potentials and challenges for what can be called research-by-display.

Tid og sted: , IMK, Room 435

Working title: "Tracing the Path of Transnational Expansion: Audience Reception of Turkish Dramas in Spain".

Tid og sted: , Tøyen Hovedgård

What is the role of history in society? How may historical knowledge and insight help contemporary societies deal with major political and social issues that fundamentally challenge their perspectives and self-understanding? And more precisely, how can historians and historical insights contribute when societies confront painful and difficult aspects of their own histories and contemporary life?

Tid og sted: , Sophus Bugges hus, Seminar rom 2

Are you writing something? Of course you are! Join Writer's Hours, a low threshold, socially guaranteed artificial environment for concerted writing during HF PhD Week and get some work done!

Tid og sted: , Sophus Bugge sem. room 4

Learn how to use Autotekst for automatic text recognition of speech to text. Autotekst recognizes a wide range of languages and several audio and video formats. Autotekst is approved for use of red data.

Tid og sted: , Sophus Bugges hus, seminarrom 3

Advanced course in Research Ethics: Scholars in the humanities are expected to contribute knowledge to the society. Their work and insights often call for or aims at social change. This course critically examines research for social change and debates about scholar activism.

Tid og sted: , Sophus Bugges hus, Seminar rom 2

This course identifies the “kappe” as a distinct element of the full body of work in an article-based PhD dissertation and offers conceptual and practical perspectives on how to position the “kappe” and how to write it.

Tid og sted: , Sophus Bugge sem. room 4

Get an introduction to this user-friendly web-based application for digital text analysis — text mining — performing automated computational text analysis on documents in a range of formats and languages, and creating rich data visualizations to communicate the data. 

Tid og sted: , Sophus Bugge sem. room 2

Learn how to mark up, tag, and annotate your research material with Zotero, gathering your research material and research notes in one place. 

Tid og sted: , 418

In the final seminar, PhD fellows from IMK get feedback and recommendations for improving their dissertation draft prior to submission.   

Tid og sted: , Sophus Bugges Hus, seminar room 4

Researcher skills: Practical strategies for publishing in academic journals address what is commonly known as "silent knowledge" related to publishing

Tid og sted: , Sophus Bugges hus, seminarrom 1

One-day course for the PhD Week at the Faculty of Humanities.

Tid og sted: , Sophus Bugges Hus, seminar room 3

Advanced Course in Research Ethics: Ethics is essential to good scientific practice. However, rapid technological advances produce new challenges for research ethics. This advanced course in Internet Research Ethics covers both a reflection on norms and an examination of practical, real-world dilemmas with the aim to promote responsible and ethically justifiable research practice.

Tid og sted: , Sophus Bugges hus, Seminar rom 2

Are you writing something? Of course you are! Join Writer's Hours, a low threshold, socially guaranteed artificial environment for concerted writing during HF PhD Week and get some work done!