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Ph.d.-arrangementer - Side 6

Tid og sted: , Sophus Bugges hus, seminarrom 2

Advanced course in methods: This is part two of a two part course on texts in historical contexts. Each course can be taken independently, but it is strongly recommended to take both. 

Tid og sted: , Seminar room 1, Sophus Bugges hus

The compulsory course for all PhD candidates takes a broad approach to ethical issues in the humanities. It ensures that all candidates are familiar with the norms that constitute and regulates scientific practice and secures research integrity.

Tid og sted: , Seminar Room 3, Sophus Bugges hus

How do young researchers write clear and well formulated research descriptions? How do they get funding for their research projects? This one-day workshop aims to provide young researchers with the necessary tools to write competitive applications and get funding.

Tid og sted: , seminar room 4, Sophus Bugges house

Advanced Course in Theories of Knowledge: This course seeks to equip PhD candidates doing research into social and political issues to understand the epistemological assumptions underpinning adjacent research in the social sciences. It invites them to reflect on the formulation of research questions, case selection and ambitions for generalisation in their own research. The goal is to make PhD candidates able to critically reflect on the various ways to generalise, and what may be useful and relevant in their own research. 

Tid og sted: , Seminar room, 1 Sophus Bugges hus

Advanced Course in Theories of Knowledge: Scholars in the humanities generate knowledge for society in a variety of ways and engaging with several disciplines when doing so can sometimes yield particularly novel, path-breaking research. This advanced course in theories of knowledge critically examines the virtues and limits of working across disciplines.

Tid og sted: , Sophus Bugges hus, seminarrom 2

Advanced course in theories of knowledge: This is part one of a two part course on texts in historical contexts. Both can be taken independently, but it is strongly recommended to take both. 

Tid og sted: , Seminar room 4, Sophus Bugges hus

Are you writing something? Of course you are! Join Writer's Hours, a low threshold, socially guaranteed artificial environment for concerted writing during HF PhD Week and get some work done!

Tid og sted: , Seminar room 1, Sophus Bugges hus

This compulsory course for all PhD candidates at the Faculty of Humanities introduces foundational problems of knowledge-production in the humanities.

Tid og sted: , Seminar Room 4, Sophus Bugges hus

Advanced course in methods: Archives are collections of documents and institutions that preserve them. What have been kept, for what purposes, by whom, and how can they be accessed? And how does asking these questions help students of the present and the past shape new research questions and design more thoughtful and better research projects? This course seeks to enable students to engage with the epistemic problems presented by archives. What is it possible to know and represent through archival sources, and what are the limitations to what can be known?  

Tid og sted: , Sophus Bugges Hus, seminar room 3

Advanced Course in Research Ethics: Ethics is essential to good scientific practice. However, rapid technological advances produce new challenges for research ethics. This advanced course in Internet Research Ethics covers both a reflection on norms and an examination of practical, real-world dilemmas with the aim to promote responsible and ethically justifiable research practice.

Tid og sted: , Seminar room 5, Sophus Bugges hus

Are you writing something? Of course you are! Join Writer's Hours, a low threshold, socially guaranteed artificial environment for concerted writing during HF PhD Week and get some work done!

Tid og sted: , Sophus Bugges hus

Welcome to HF's PhD week - a learning festival for early career researchers! The program offers introductory and advanced courses in theories of knowledge, research ethics and methods, as well as writer's hours and skills-oriented courses and workshops - and a number of social events.

Tid og sted: , IMK, Room 418

Working title: The appification and gamification of digital detox

Tid og sted: , Zoom/Teams

What is a high-quality book review in history, and how do we write one? Professional historians are expected to assess books and write book reviews for historical journals, periodicals and press. This workshop explores some of the key issues in writing god book reviews. It offers hands-on training, feedback and discussions. All participants will produce a book review after the standards of historical journals. 1 ECTS digital workshop.

We want to invite you to an open evaluation with our PhD-fellow in Japan Studies Ingvild Boberg. To comment on the candidates work, we have invited Associate Professor Victoria Young, from the Selwyn College at the University of Cambridge.

Tid og sted: , the Norwegian Institute in Rome

PhD workshop, May 3-5, 2023.

Dialogues with the Past. The Nordic Graduate School in Archaeology.

Tid og sted: , MCT Portal and Zoom; please request Zoom connection details by email to: david.burke@imv.uio.no

We wish to invite you to an open midway assessment for our PhD fellow in musicology, Riccardo Simionato.

To comment on the candidate's work, we have invited Joshua D. Reiss, Professor in Audio Engineering at the Centre for Digital Music at Queen Mary University of London.

Tid og sted: , On Zoom; please request connection details by email to: david.burke@imv.uio.no

We wish to invite you to an open midway assessment for our PhD fellow in musicology, Kristina Socanski Celik.

To comment on the candidate's work, we have invited Robert Sholl, Professor of Music at the University of West London.

Tid og sted: , PAM 425


PhD workshop with Professor Iver B. Neumann.


Thesis seminar/text development

Tid og sted: , Zoom and PAM 389. Click here to sign up for online attendance.

We want to invite you to an open evaluation with our PhD-fellow in Religious Study Hanne Amanda Trangerud. To comment on the candidates work, we have invited Professor Winnifred Sullivan, from Indiana University Bloomington, USA

Tid og sted: , Centre Universitaire de Norvège à Paris

PhD Course, Centre Universitaire de Norvège à Paris, March 27-30, 2023.

Dialogues with the Past. The Nordic Graduate School in Archaeology

Tid og sted: , On Zoom; please request connection details by email to: david.burke@imv.uio.no

We wish to invite you to an open midway assessment for our PhD fellow in musicology, James Tomlinson.

To comment on the candidate's work, we have invited Peter M. Lefferts, Professor of Music History emeritus at University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Tid og sted: , GM 452

This PhD course will focus on important topics related to understanding sexual violence, sexist ideology, rape myths, and their relation to epistemic injustices. The lecturer is Dr. Hilkje Hänel.

Tid og sted: , Professorboligen (Thursday) and Georg Sverderups House (Friday)

Research ethics and methods are intimately connected. The Norwegian Research School in History (NRSH) invites supervisors at our member institutions to a two-day workshop in Oslo in March 2023. Research in history shall take place in accordance with legal rules and ethical norms. This responsibility lies with the early career researcher, their supervisors and the institutions that employ them. What lies in the supervisor’s responsibility and how do we deal with ethical dilemmas when supervising master students and PhD fellows in history?