Norwegian version of this page

Development, operation and management of electronic resources

Humit offers help with development and operation of electronic resources.

This can range from simple tools and datasets to customized applications for annotating, visualizing, and querying humanities data.

Standardized solutions

For some needs, we offer ready-made standard solutions that are easy to use. Currently, this primarily applies to text and speech corpora in the search tool Glossa.

In the future, we also aim to offer standard solutions for other types of data that fit into simple databases.

Custom solutions

We also create solutions that fit your specific project, whether you need a mobile app for data collection, a database tailored to your research data, or a tool to manage and analyze data.

Pricing and contracts

For basic text and speech corpora in Glossa, the price is eight programmer weeks. For customized solutions, we estimate the scope of work and invoice ny number of weeks. The price for internally funded projects is 19,000 NOK per workweek. For externally funded projects, we wish to be involved early in the application process to ensure realistic budgeting.

For both small and large projects, we create a contract document between Humit and the client, which includes a job description and a cost estimate. Please refer to the template for the agreement for internal clients (pdf, currently only available in Norwegian, English version to be published shortly).

Contact us

Send us a short description of your wishes, and we'll set up a non-binding meeting.

Send us an email

Published Nov. 15, 2023 4:18 PM - Last modified June 10, 2024 2:01 PM