PhD and postdoc network: digital tools, methods and topics in the Humanities

Are you an early career researcher interested in digital tools and research methods in the Humanities? Do you use advanced digital tools in your own research? Would you like to discuss what on-going digital transformations mean for your discipline and for the Humanities in general?

Robots hanging out in a room with bookshelves lining the wall

Humit is starting a network for early career researchers with an interest in digital tools, methods and topics in the Humanities. We would like to hear from you what you want this network to be - reading group? Presenting on-going research? Seminars about specific tools and methods? Just having lunch regularly with others who share your interests? Come tell us!

We're inviting all interested PhDs and postdocs at the Faculty of Humanities to a start-up meeting for the network. We'll drink coffee and get to know each other, and everyone will have the opportunity to give their input on the network's organization and activities.

The meeting takes place on February 15, 11:30 to 13:00 on the 12th floor of Niels Treschows hus. There will be coffee and pastries! Please send an email to Humit's research adviser Andrea Dale Wefring ( if you're coming so we know how much coffee we need.

Published Feb. 7, 2024 1:35 PM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2024 1:35 PM