Intro to programming for Humanities staff

This workshop offers a general introduction to programming with Python, aimed at employees at the Faculty of Humanities.

Classical statue with laptop, pink background

The workshop is now full.

This workshop offers an introduction to programming with Python, a beginner-friendly and versatile programming language.

The workshop covers the basic building blocks of programming with Python and will teach you enough to start writing Python code on your own, as well as give you a foundation upon which to build more specialized knowledge (see information about follow-up workshops below).

Topics covered (don't worry if you don't know what anything on this list means - you will after the workshop):

  • variables and data types
  • loops
  • conditions
  • user input
  • basics of functions and methods

Target audience

Employees at the Faculty of Humanities across all categories (teaching, research and administrative staff)


Install Python if necessary* and Visual Studio Code (available from Software Center on UiO Windows computers) and bring your laptop and charger.

* If you're using MacOS or Linux, Python is most likely already installed, if you're on Windows you can install it from Software Center


This workshop does not require any previous knowledge. If you need help with installing Visual Studio Code and/or need an introduction to using the command line to navigate, please indicate this in the sign-up form.

Follow-up workshops

This introductory workshop will be followed by two more specialized workshops later in the semester, one focused on text mining and one on working with tables, csv and excel files with Python. Course descriptions will be published and registration open shortly.

  • Text Mining - 26 April
  • Tables and files - 29 April


Andrea Dale Wefring (

Published Feb. 19, 2024 12:43 PM - Last modified Mar. 5, 2024 10:39 AM