Text mining with Python

Learn how to use Python to extract and analyze textual data.

Classical statue with laptop, pink background

Sign up here

In this workshop, you will learn how to perform text mining or textual data analysis in Python. You will gain a deeper understanding of how Python deals with text, and learn different techniques for extracting and analyzing textual data. The workshop will also give an introduction to using external libraries in Python, focusing mainly on NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit).

Target audience

Employees at the Faculty of Humanities who work with textual data.


You will receive an email with information about what you need to install ahead of the workshop.


This workshop requires basic knowledge of Python. If you have completed the introductory workshop you will have been introduced to the most important concepts. There are also self-study materials available that cover the same topics as the intro workshop which you can work through on your own before attending this workshop.


Andrea Dale Wefring (a.d.wefring@hf.uio.no)

Published Mar. 19, 2024 1:36 PM - Last modified Mar. 19, 2024 1:36 PM