Associate Professor in Archaeology (Critical Heritage)

This web page provides available, up-to date public information on the status of the appointment.


    Appointment as a associate professor or professor is regulated by law. To make sure that the best qualified candidate is appointed, the selection follows a set procedure: 

    1. A selection committee invites between five and ten of the most interesting applicants to submit a comprehensive application together with a selection of academic publications. The committee can also decide that there are too few/no qualified applicants.
    2. An expert committee give an evaluation of the applicants’ academic/professional and other competence.
    3. An interview committee makes a final assessment of the applicants, including personal suitability and ability to inspire students, based on the report of the expert committee, the trial lecture, interviews and referee interviews.
    4. The Department Board makes the final recommendation.
    5. The Appointment Committee of the Faculty Board  passes the final decision in the hiring process.

    The Faculty wishes for a transparent process. For this reason the report of the expert committee is available on demand. The report from the selection committee is only available for the applicants. The report of the interview committee is not availible for the applicants nor the public.

    Minutes from the meetings of the Department board and the Appointment Committee are open to public viewing and are published on the web pages of the Faculty and the Department (only in Norwegian).

    Timeline (tentative)

    • Application deadline August 1st 2018.
    • Deadline selection committee September 2018.
    • Deadline expert committee December 2018.
    • Interviews January-February 2019.
    • Board of the Department's Meeting February 2019.
    • Appointment Committee of the Faculty's Meeting March 2019. 

    Number of applicants: 22

    Selection committee 

    • Head of external relations, associate professor Unn Pedersen (leader)
    • Associate professor Ingrid Fuglestvedt
    • Associate professor Martin Furholt

    Expert committee

    • Associate professor Martin Furholt
    • Associate professor Laura McAtackney, Aarhus University
    • PhD Michael Rowlands, University College London.

    Interview committee

    • Head of external relations, associate professor Unn Pedersen (leader)
    • Associate professor Martin Furholt
    • Student Elisabeth Aslesen
    Published May 25, 2018 10:29 AM - Last modified Feb. 25, 2019 12:27 PM