
Persons 1 - 13 of 13
Name Phone E-mail Tags
Picture of Marie Dave Amundsen Amundsen, Marie Dave Adviser m.d.amundsen@khm.uio.no Gold, technology, craft, material culture, Early Iron Age, Roman Iron Age, Migration Period, landscape
Picture of Anastasia Bertheussen Bertheussen, Anastasia Doctoral Research Fellow anastasia.bertheussen@iakh.uio.no Environmental archaeology, Biomarkers, Geoarchaeology, Landscape utilisation, Palaeoecology, Stone Age
Picture of Hallvard Nikolai Bruvoll Bruvoll, Hallvard Nikolai Doctoral Research Fellow +47 22850360 h.n.bruvoll@iakh.uio.no PhD candidate archaeology, Archaeology, Neolithic, Settlement patterns, Fractals
Picture of Katherine Burlingame Burlingame, Katherine Postdoctoral Fellow +47 46126239 katherine.burlingame@iakh.uio.no Cultural heritage, Cultural landscapes, Tourism, Phenomenology, Landscape Geography, Storytelling, Creative Writing, qualitative research methodologies, Environmental Humanities, Environmental and Landscape Archaeology
Picture of Aljasil Chirakkal Chirakkal, Aljasil Doctoral Research Fellow +47 22841949 aljasil.chirakkal@iakh.uio.no Archaeochemistry, Environmental and Landscape Archaeology, Palaeoecology, Paleogeography
Picture of Sofie Scheen Jahnsen Jahnsen, Sofie Scheen Doctoral Research Fellow +47 22841946, +47 93603538 s.s.jahnsen@iakh.uio.no Archaeology, Museums and Museology, Heritage Studies
Picture of Wanda Marcussen Marcussen, Wanda Doctoral Research Fellow wanda.marcussen@iakh.uio.no
Picture of Isak Roalkvam Roalkvam, Isak Doctoral Research Fellow isak.roalkvam@iakh.uio.no
Siteleki, Mncedisi Jabulani Postdoctoral Fellow m.j.siteleki@iakh.uio.no
Picture of Alexa Deanne Spiwak Spiwak, Alexa Deanne Doctoral Research Fellow 46114950 a.d.spiwak@iakh.uio.no archaeology, industrial archaeology, contemporary archaeology, historical archaeology, quarrying, conservation, Anthropocene
Picture of Andreas Ropeid Sæbø Sæbø, Andreas Ropeid Doctoral Research Fellow a.r.sabo@iakh.uio.no
Picture of Vibeke Maria Viestad Viestad, Vibeke Maria Postdoctoral Fellow +47 22841904 v.m.viestad@iakh.uio.no Archaeology, Dress, Rock Art, Hunter-gatherers, Museum collections, Knowledge production, Southern African Archaeology
Picture of Mari Arentz Østmo Østmo, Mari Arentz Postdoctoral Fellow +47 22841913 m.a.ostmo@iakh.uio.no