Giulio Minniti

Researcher - Historie
Image of Giulio Minniti
Norwegian version of this page
Visiting address Niels Henrik Abels vei 36 Niels Treschows hus 0851 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1008 Blindern 0315 Oslo

Here at UiO I am in charge of the almost thousand music-related marginalia documents in the Voices on the Edge project.

I have been trained in the field of Historical Musicology with a Ph.D at Harvard University (2016 - 2021) concluded with a dissertation on the origins of musical notation in central and southern Italy.

Before coming to Oslo I was a Post-Doc researcher at Universidade Nova in Lisbon, where I worked on the musical and liturgical history of Medieval Portugal through the lens of previously neglected fragments.  


Published Mar. 13, 2023 1:58 PM - Last modified Nov. 14, 2023 8:31 AM