Subhadeep Chowdhury

Doctoral Research Fellow - Historie
Image of Subhadeep Chowdhury
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Room NT510
Visiting address Niels Henrik Abels vei 36 Niels Treschows hus 0851 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1008 Blindern 0315 Oslo
Other affiliations Faculty of Humanities (Student)

Academic interests

I am investigating the role and influence of nineteenth-century European colonial empires in the development of international treaties and institutions concerning the regulation of intellectual property rights (IPR) particularly related to Indian textiles. My doctoral project will explore the conceptual and historical routes via which IPRs either found legitimacy or became a contested domain in Europe and its colonies, particularly concerning the global footprint of the textile industry that emerged out of British India. My broader research interests include the histories of the development of international economic and legal institutions in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries with a particular focus on creative labour and inventive activity in South Asia.


I graduated from Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD) in December 2020 after successfully defending my Master of Philosophy (MPhil) thesis on the history of how patent laws emerged in this country. I completed my Master of Arts (MA) in History from AUD as well in 2017. I began my professional career with an undergraduate degree in computer science engineering, an MBA in Human Resource Management, and a short stint as a Senior Management Trainee for approximately ten months, before embarking on academic history which I consider my true calling.


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Published Jan. 14, 2022 2:57 PM - Last modified May 24, 2023 7:18 PM