Patrick Peter Bernhard

Professor - Historie
Image of Patrick Peter Bernhard
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An article of mine on the Holocaust in North Africa has just been published with the journal of the Simon-Wiesenthal-Institute in Vienna. Please check it out on The Holocaust in North Africa.

Sabine Küntzel, whose PhD thesis I co-supervised, has just published her first book on colonialism and World War II. More specifically, the book deals with how Rommel`s soldiers on the North African battle field fought in a colonised space and perceived the indigenous populations through the essentializing lens of Orientalism and backwardness. Please check out her book Kolonialismus im Krieg: Die Kriegserfahrung deutscher Wehrmachtsoldaten im Nordafrikafeldzug, 1941-1943

Academic interests

I have a strong passion for 20th century transnational history in Europe. The perspectives and methods of entangled history have very much informed my teaching and research since I started my academic career in Germany, and it is this approach that frames and links my various research interests, ranging from European fascism to colonialism, from World War II and genocide to consumerism and Cold War cultures.

My interest in the movement of peoples, ideas, technologies, and institutions across national boundaries has been considerably augmented by my own experiences abroad: I have had the great pleasure of working in different places in Europe and North America, and at places where there is a particular academic focus on the cultural crossovers between European societies, including the German Historical Institute in Rome, the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. and the Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico in Trent, Italy.

My future work will focus on two topics: a cultural history of violence in North Africa during the 20th century, tentatively titled ‘In the Shadow of El Alamein: War Violence during the North African Campaign’, and a short history of Italian food and its worldwide spread, ‘A Tale of Modernity: The Global Success of Italian Cuisine in Western Societies’.


Born and raised in Southern Germany, I studied history and philosophy in Munich where I earned my PhD degree in 2005 with a study on the Sixties, the Cold War, and pacifism in West Germany.

I subsequently moved to Italy where I lived first in Trento and then in Rome. During my time in Italy, I worked on two topics that like few others have linked Germany and Italy: food and fascism.

While the pizza became a common staple in Germany in the 1960s, the Axis alliance between the two countries was, despite all the resentments that Germans and Italians nourished against each other, a strong bond between the main two fascist regimes that included cooperative activities as much as learning and cross-cultural fertilization. In particular, I explored the various ways of social engineering in which Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy tried to create new racist societies both at home and in their newly conquered territories.

After briefly returning to Germany where I lived in Berlin and Freiburg, I moved to Ireland to teach modern European history both at Trinity College and University College Dublin. Before coming to UIO, I worked at the Centre for Contemporary History in Potsdam on a project that dealt with tuberculosis as a major health threat of the 20th Century.

Positions held

2017-2020: Associate Professor in Modern European History, University of Oslo

2015-2017: Assistant Professor in Modern History, ZZF Potsdam

2013-2014: Lecturer in International History, University College Dublin

2012-2013: Assistant Professor in European History, Trinity College Dublin

2011-2012: Lecturer in European History, University of Freiburg

2010-2011: Research Fellow, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS)

2010: Lecturer in European History, Free University Berlin

2005-2009: Research Fellow, German Historical Institute, Rome

2004: Research Fellow, University of Nuremberg

2003-2004: Research Fellow, Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico, Trento

1999-2003: Research Fellow, Institute of Contemporary History, Munich

Fellowships and Grants

2024: Fellow of the Volkswagen Foundation at Constance University (postponed)

2022-2023: Senior Fellow at the Simon-Wiesenthal-Institute for Holocaust Studies in Vienna.

2014: Cummings Foundation Fellow at the Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, D.C.

2011: Chercheur invité at the Centre canadien d'études allemandes et européennes de l'Université de Montréal and at the Centre d'Excellence sur l'Union européenne, McGill University

2010: Fellow of the Max Weber Foundation

2009: Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam

Teaching and Supervision

I am happy to supervise students who want to write on Nazi Germany, World War II, racism, consumerism, the Cold War and colonialism from comparative, transnational and global angles. Supervision takes place in small groups and in a supportive and stimulating atmosphere.

Many of my students have successfully completed their studies, with some of them excelling. In 2021, for instance, Ann-Kristin Korneliussen was nominated for UiO`s Center for Interdisciplinary Gender Research award for the best Master's thesis, while Mathias Hatleskog Tjønn received the Hifo-Fritt Ord Scholarship for his MPhil thesis and the Babylon prize for best article in 2019, which was based on a chapter of his thesis. 

I teach widely across 20th Century European history in its imperial, transnational, and global frameworks. Among the modules I teach are:

HIS2320 – Coming to Terms with a Nightmare: World War II, Axis Occupation, and Historians after 1945

HIS2354: Pizza, Pubs and Pogo: Consumerism and the Transformation of European Societies in the Long 20th Century

HIS2423: Reel Reality: Movies in 20th Century History

HIS4225: Racism: The History of a Powerful Idea

HIS4230: Introduction to International History

MITRA4300: Global Encounters 1850-2010. Transnational Movements of People, Ideas and Commodities

MITRA4000 – Key Issues in Modern International and Transnational History

MITRA4040 – Research and Writing Training in History

Squaring the Triangle: Advanced course in Research Ethics for PhD Candidates

Current Research

I am currently working on the following research projects:

In the Shadow of El Alamein: The Desert War, Fascist Biopolitics and Violence in North Africa in the 20th Century

A Tale of Modernity: The Global Success of Italian Cuisine in Western Societies

Tuberculosis in Nazi Germany

Public Outreach and Service

I have served as advisor to policy makers on various historical issues, often related to the thorny question of how to righten cases of historical injustice. Most recently, I provided the German government with an expert opinion on the persecution of Jewish people in Algeria during World War II following the negotiations between Germany and the Jewish Claims Conference over Holocaust reparations in 2018.

In addition, I have collaborated with media representatives in Germany, Italy, Ireland, Austria and the US. Follow the link for my interview with Iliana Magra from the New York Times on Norway`s late apology to women who were accused of having had sexual relationships with German soldiers during the country`s occupation between 1940 and 1945. 

In academia, I have reviewed books and peer-reviewed manuscripts for American Historical Review, Journal of Contemporary History, Social History, Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Journal of Modern Italian Studies, German History, Central European History, Modern Italy, European History Quarterly, German Studies Review, Quest: Issues in Contemporary Jewish History, Ricerche di Storia Politica, Dublin Review of Books, Food & History, Cold War History, HSK, Beiträge zur Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus, Politics, Religion and Ideology, Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, sehepunkte, and Routledge as well as research applications for funding bodies such as DAAD and HERA.

Tags: Modern European History, Contemporary History; Cold War Studies, International Fascism, Transnational History



Zivildienst zwischen Reform und Revolte: Eine bundesdeutsche Institution im gesellschaftlichen Wandel, 1961-1982, Munich: Oldenbourg, 2005.

(with Holger Nehring) Den Kalten Krieg denken: Beiträge zur sozialen Ideengeschichte seit 1945, Essen: Klartext Press, 2014.


Articles and Book Chapters:

`Die ausgebliebene Ahndung: Nationalsozialistische Verbrechen an Tuberkulosekranken, westdeutsche Strafverfolgung und die Konstruktion von „Normalität“ nach 1945,`Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte 71,4 (2023), pp. 749–785. 

'Guerre et violences en Afrique du Nord,' in Nicola Labanca, David Reynolds and Olivier Wieviorka (eds.), La Guerre du Désert 1940-1943 (Paris: Perrin. 2019), pp. 181-220.   

´The great divide? Notions of racism in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany: new answers to an old problem,´ Journal of Modern Italian Studies 24,1 (2019), pp. 97-114.

`Im Rücken Rommels: Kriegsverbrechen, koloniale Massengewalt und Judenverfolgung in Nordafrika, 1940-1943,` Zeitschrift fuer Genozidforschung 17/1-2 (2019), pp. 83-122.

'Blueprints of Totalitarianism: How Racist Policies in Fascist Italy Inspired and Informed Nazi Germany,' Fascism: Journal of Comparative Fascist Studies 6,2 (2017), pp. 127-62.

`Der Tod und die Rente: Tuberkulosebekämpfung und Sozialversicherung im Nationalsozialismus,´ Sozialer Fortschritt 68,2-3 (2019), pp. 129-149.

‘Colonial Crossovers: Nazi Germany and its Entanglements with Other Empires,’ Journal of Global History 12,2 (2017), pp. 206-27.

‘Pädagogische Pizza: Ernährung, Erziehung und der Boom der italienischen Küche in der Spätmoderne,’ ZeitRäume: Potsdamer Almanach (2016), 82-91.

‘Hitler’s Africa in the East: Italian Colonialism as a Model for German Planning in Eastern Europe,’ Journal of Contemporary History 51 (2016), 61-90.

‘Renarrating Italian Fascism: New Directions in the Historiography of a European Dictatorship,’ Contemporary European History 23,1 (2014), 151-63.

‘Borrowing from Mussolini: Nazi Germany’s Colonial Aspirations in the Shadow of Italian Expansionism,’ Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 41 (2013), 617-43.

(with Holger Nehring and Anne Rohstock), ‘Der Kalte Krieg im langen 20. Jahrhundert: Neue Ansätze, Befunde und Perspektiven,’ in Patrick Bernhard and Holger Nehring (eds.), Den Kalten Krieg denken: Beiträge zur sozialen Ideengeschichte seit 1945, Essen: Klartext Press, 2014, 11-39.

 ‘Behind the Battle Lines: Italian Atrocities and the Persecution of Arabs, Berbers, and Jews in North Africa during World War II,’ Holocaust and Genocide Studies 26,3 (2012), 425-46.

‘Dolce Vita, Made in Italy und Globalisierung,’ in Oliver Janz and Roberto Sala (eds.), Dolce Vita? Das Bild der italienischen Migranten in Deutschland, Frankfurt and New York: Campus, 2011, 62-81.

Konzertierte Gegnerbekämpfung im Achsenbündnis: Die Polizei im Dritten Reich und im faschistischen Italien 1933 bis 1943,’ Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte 59 (2011), 229-62.

‘Metropolen auf Achse: Städtebau und Großstadtgesellschaften Roms und Berlins im faschistischen Bündnis 1936-1943,’ in Rüdiger Hachtmann, Thomas Schaarschmidt and Winfried Süß (eds.), Berlin im Nationalsozialismus: Politik und Gesellschaft 1933-1945, Göttingen: Wallstein, 2011, 132-57.

(with Anne Rohstock) ‘Writing about the ‘revolution’: Nuovi studi internazionali sul movimento del ‘68,’ Ricerche di Storia Politica 11 (2008), 177-92.

‘La Pizza sul Reno: Per una storia della cucina e della gastronomia italiane in Germania nel XX secolo,’ Memoria e Ricerca, 23 (2006), 63-72.


  • Bernhard, Patrick Peter (2023). Die ausgebliebene Ahndung: Nationalsozialistische Verbrechen an Tuberkulosekranken, westdeutsche Strafverfolgung und die Konstruktion von „Normalität“ nach 1945. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte. ISSN 0042-5702. 71(4), p. 749–785. doi: 10.1515/vfzg-2023-0038. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2021). In the Shadow of ‘Euthanasia’: The Long Road to the Nazi Murder of Tuberculosis Patients. German History. ISSN 0266-3554. 39(2), p. 238–262. doi: 10.1093/gerhis/ghaa090.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2019). Im Rücken Rommels: Kriegsverbrechen, koloniale Massengewalt und Judenverfolgung in Nordafrika, 1940-1943. Zeitschrift für Genozidforschung. ISSN 1438-8332. 17(1-2), p. 83–122. doi: 10.5771/1438-8332.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2019). Guerre et Violences en Afrique du Nord, La Guerre du Desert 1940-1943. Perrin. ISSN 978-2-262-06540-9. p. 181–220.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2019). Der Tod und die Rente: Tuberkulosebekämpfung und Sozialversicherung im Nationalsozialismus. Sozialer Fortschritt. ISSN 0038-609X. 68(2-3), p. 129–149. doi: 10.3790/sfo.68.2-3.129.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2019). The great divide? Notions of racism in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany: new answers to an old problem. Journal of Modern Italian Studies. ISSN 1354-571X. 24(1), p. 97–114. doi: 10.1080/1354571X.2019.1550701.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2019). Heralds of a "New Order": Mussolini, Hitler and the Purging of Europe. In Pohl, Dieter & Dafinger, Johannes (Ed.), A New Nationalist Europe under Hitler: Concepts of Europe and Transnational Networks in the National Socialist Sphere of Influence, 1933-1945. Routledge. ISSN 978-1-138-07895-6. p. 271–292. doi: 10.4324/9781315114446-16.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2018). Fascist Empire? Nazi Germany and the Problem of Colonialism. Contemporanea. Rivista di storia dell'800 e del 900. ISSN 1127-3070. 21(1), p. 120–124. doi: 10.1409/89132. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2018). Der Tod und die Rente: Tuberkulosebekämpfung und Sozialversicherung im Nationalsozialismus. In Loddenkemper, Robert (Eds.), Die Lungenheilkunde im Nationalsozialismus. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pneumologie und Beatmungsmedizin (Verlag). ISSN 978-3-9817734-3-9. p. 126–139. doi: 10.3790/sfo.68.2.129.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2017). Creare un ceto agricolo ʻsanoʼ. Razza, suolo e politiche agricole e di insediamento nell’ «Asse» fascista. In Bernhard, Patrick & Klinkhammer, Lutz (Ed.), L’uomo nuovo del fascismo: La costruzione di un progetto totalitario. Viella. ISSN 9788867288335. p. 265–279.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2017). Blueprints of totalitarianism: how racist policies in fascist Italy inspired and informed nazi Germany. Fascism: Journal of Comparative Fascist Studies. ISSN 2211-6249. 6(2), p. 127–162. doi: 10.1163/22116257-00602001. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2017). Colonial Crossovers: Nazi Germany and its Entanglements with Other Empires. Journal of Global History. ISSN 1740-0228. 12(2), p. 206–227. doi: 10.1017/S1740022817000055. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2016). A lezione da Mussolini: Le aspirazioni coloniali della Germania nazista all’ombra dell’espansionismo italiano. In Neri Serneri, Simone (Eds.), L’Italia nella guerra europea dei trent’anni. Viella. ISSN 9788867284962. p. 325–356.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2016). Pädagogische Pizza: Ernährung, Erziehung und der Boom der italienischen Küche in der Spätmoderne. ZeitRäume. Potsdamer Almanach des Zentrums für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam. ISSN 1868-2138. p. 82–91.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2016). Hitler’s Africa in the East: Italian Colonialism as a Model for German Planning in Eastern Europe. Journal of Contemporary History. ISSN 0022-0094. 51(1), p. 61–90. doi: 10.1177/0022009414561825.
  • Bernhard, Patrick; Nehring, Holger & Rohstock, Anne (2014). Der Kalte Krieg im langen 20. Jahrhundert: Neue Ansätze, Befunde und Perspektiven. In Bernhard, Patrick & Nehring, Holger (Ed.), Den Kalten Krieg denken: Beiträge zur sozialen Ideengeschichte seit 1945. Klartext Verlag. ISSN 978-3-8375-0739-3. p. 11–39.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2014). Renarrating Italian Fascism: New Directions in the Historiography of a European Dictatorship. Contemporary European History. ISSN 0960-7773. 23(1), p. 151–163. doi: 10.1017/S0960777313000556.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2013). Borrowing From Mussolini: Nazi Germany’s Colonial Aspirations in the Shadow of Italian Expansionism. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. ISSN 0308-6534. 41(4), p. 617–643. doi: 10.1080/03086534.2013.836358.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2012). Italien auf dem Teller: Zur Geschichte der italienischen Gastronomie in Deutschland. In Corni, Gustavo (Eds.), Italiener in Deutschland im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert: Kontakte, Wahrnehmungen, Einflüsse. Duncker & Humblot. ISSN 978-3-428-13892-0. p. 217–236.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2012). Wirklich alles locker, flockig, liberal? Plädoyer für einen postrevisionistischen Blick auf die westdeutsche Gesellschaftsgeschichte der 1960er und 1970er Jahre. In Schlemmer, Thomas & Löhnig, Martin (Ed.), Juristische Zeitgeschichte der 1960er und 1970er Jahre. Mohr Siebeck. ISSN 978-3-16-152317-5. p. 1–12.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2012). Behind the Battle Lines: Italian Atrocities and the Persecution of Arabs, Berbers, and Jews in North Africa during World War II. Holocaust and Genocide Studies. ISSN 8756-6583. 26(3), p. 425–446. doi: 10.1093/hgs/dcs054.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2011). Metropolen auf Achse: Städtebau und Großstadtgesellschaften Roms und Berlins im faschistischen Bündnis 1936-1943. In Suess, Winfried (Eds.), Berlin im Nationalsozialismus. Politik und Gesellschaft 1933-1945. Wallstein Verlag. ISSN 978-3-8353-0932-6. p. 132–157.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2011). Make love not war! Die APO, der Zivildienst und die sozialliberale Koalition. In Wengst, Udo (Eds.), Reform und Revolte. Politischer und gesellschaftlicher Wandel in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland vor und nach 1968. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH. ISSN 978-3-486-71172-1. p. 11–29.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2011). Dolce Vita, Made in Italy und Globalisierung. In Janz, Oliver & Sala, Roberto (Ed.), Dolce Vita? Das Bild der italienischen Migranten in Deutschland. Campus Verlag. ISSN 9783593394824. p. 62–81.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2011). Konzertierte Gegnerbekämpfung im Achsenbündnis: Die Polizei im Dritten Reich und im faschistischen Italien 1933 bis 1943. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte. ISSN 0042-5702. 59(2), p. 229–262. doi: 10.1524/vfzg.2011.0012.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2010). Lebensraumwissenschaft: Die Kieler Geographen, die NS-Volkstumsforschung und der Traum von einem deutschen Kolonialreich. In Cornelißen, Christoph (Eds.), Wissenschaft an der Grenze. Die Universität Kiel im Nationalsozialismus. Klartext Verlag. ISSN 978-3-8375-0240-4. p. 341–358.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2008). Vieni un po’ in Italia … Aspetti del turismo tedesco in Italia nel secondo dopoguerra. Storia del turismo. ISSN 1825-6848. p. 175–189.
  • Rohstock, Anne & Bernhard, Patrick (2008). Writing about the ‘revolution’: Nuovi studi internazionali sul movimento del ‘68. Ricerche di Storia Politica. ISSN 1120-9526. 11, p. 177–192. doi: 10.1412/26988.
  • Bernhard, Patrick & Ferretti, Alessandra (2007). Pazifismus per Gesetz? Krieg und Frieden in der westdeutschen Verfassungsdiskussion, 1945-1949. Militärgeschichtliche Zeitschrift. ISSN 2193-2336. 2007, p. 45–70.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2006). An der Friedensfront: Die APO, der Zivildienst und der gesellschaftliche Aufbruch der sechziger Jahre. In Siegfried, Detlef (Eds.), Wo ‘1968’ liegt. Reform und Revolte in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. ISSN 9783525362945. p. 164–200.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2006). L‘Italia nel piatto: Per una storia della cucina e della gastronomia italiane in Germania nel XX secolo. In Corni, Gustavo (Eds.), Italiani in Germania tra Ottocento e Novecento. Spostamenti, rapporti, immagini, influenze. Il Mulino. ISSN 9788815107312. p. 263–287.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2006). La Pizza sul Reno: Per una storia della cucina e della gastronomia italiane in Germania nel XX secolo. Memoria e Ricerca. Rivista di Storia Contemporanea. ISSN 1127-0195. 23, p. 63–72.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2005). Kriegsdienstverweigerung per Postkarte. Ein gescheitertes Reformprojekt der sozialliberalen Koalition, 1969-1978. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte. ISSN 0042-5702. 53, p. 109–139.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2005). Esportare l’Italia. Nuovi studi sulla storia del consumo transnazionale nel Novecento. Italia Contemporanea. ISSN 0392-1077. 241, p. 509–513.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2003). APO an der „Sozialfront": Die Protestbewegung und der Zivildienst für Kriegsdienstverweigerer. Revue d’Allemagne. ISSN 0035-0974. 35, p. 199–215.

View all works in Cristin

  • Bernhard, Patrick (2020). Der Beginn einer faschisischen Interpol: Das deutsch-italienische Polizeiabkommen von 1936 und die Zusammenarbeit der Diktaturen im Europa der Zwischenkriegszeit. Franz Steiner Verlag. ISBN 978-3-515-12874-2. 13 p.
  • Wieviorka, Olivier & Bernhard, Patrick (2019). La Guerre du Desert 1940-1943. Perrin. ISBN 978-2-262-06540-9. 344 p.
  • Bernhard, Patrick & Klinkhammer, Lutz (2017). L’uomo nuovo del fascismo: La costruzione di un progetto totalitario. Viella. ISBN 9788867288335. 292 p.
  • Bernhard, Patrick & Nehring, Holger (2014). Den Kalten Krieg denken: Beiträge zur sozialen Ideengeschichte seit 1945. Klartext Verlag. ISBN 978-3-8375-0739-3. 360 p.

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  • Bernhard, Patrick (2018). A Lost Generation: The Red Cross and the Missing Children of World War II. Fortid. ISSN 1504-1913. 15(2), p. 68–72.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2017). Nordafrika unter dem Hakenkreuz: Die deutsche Präsenz in Libyen und Tunesien während des Zweiten Weltkriegs.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2016). Hitler’s Unwilling Executioners? Fascist Italy and the Persecution of Jews in North Africa.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2016). In the Shadow of El Alamein: War Violence During the North African Campaign.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2016). A Missing Link: Italian Colonialism and the Nazis’ Dream of Empire.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2006). Ben oltre la diplomazia: L’accordo di emigrazione italo-tedesca del 1955. Il Veltro. Rivista della Civiltà italiana. ISSN 0042-3254. 50, p. 483–491.
  • Bernhard, Patrick (2004). Ungleicher Bruder im Westen? Zur Geschichte des westdeutschen Zivildienstes, 1961-1989. Horch und Guck. ISSN 1437-6164. 13(4), p. 53–58.

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Published May 10, 2017 11:55 AM - Last modified June 1, 2024 2:24 PM