Writing a Successful Article

Digital PhD workshop, April 26 - 28, 2021.

Dialogues with the Past. The Nordic Graduate School in Archaeology.

Image may contain: Text, Organism, Font, Adaptation, History.

Photo Credit: www.cambridge.org/antiquity.ac.uk

Academic journals are one of the most important means for scholars and researchers to share their research with the academic community. Being able to publish your research requires skills for the craft.

The aim of this workshop is to provide hands on training in writing good articles for archaeological journals. Four international journal editors: Rob Witcher from Antiquity, Robin Skeates from the European Journal of Archaeology, Liv Nilsson Stutz from Archaeological Dialogues, and Kristian Kristiansen, formerly European Journal of Archaeology and Journal of Danish Archaeology, will provide comments and present lectures on international publishing.


Course work

Before the course starts, each PhD student is to prepare and pre-circulate a draft text for a supposed journal. During the workshop, each participant will present their text, and the panel and participants will provide constructive critique and comments for improving the text. The participants will individually rewrite parts of their drafts on the second day of the workshop. On the last day there will be a discussion and feedback on their new/revised text, followed by a round table discussion on the rewriting process.




Dr Rob Witcher, Prof. Robin Skeates,  Prof. Liv Nilsson Stutz, Prof. Kristian Kristiansen

(Durham University)   (Durham University)   (Linnaeus University)  (University of Gothenburg)

(Photo credit, from left to right: Durham University, Durham University, Linnaeus University, http://criticalheritagestudies.gu.se)





Location, travel and costs

The workshop will be organized digitally. Admitted PhD students will receive the necessary meeting links prior to the workshop.



The Graduate school invites all registered PhD students to apply for participation. Please follow this link to apply for the course (in English only). From these applications, 10 PhD students will be admitted to the workshop.

For more information please contact: dial-past@iakh.uio.no


Important dates

Application for participation: March 2, 2020. Confirmation on your participation will be sent out shortly after this date together with a reading list.

Submission of draft text for a supposed journal (5 - 10 pages, Times New Roman 12, Spacing 1,5): March 26, 2021

Published Feb. 3, 2020 11:26 AM - Last modified Feb. 23, 2021 9:04 AM