Where is Asia in the History of Early Modern Capitalism?

Giorgio Riello (European University Institute) and Michael O’Sullivan (CAPASIA project) presents Where is Asia in the History of Early Modern Capitalism? 

A panoramic view of Singapores business district and harbour. Skyrises, parks, an inner and outer harbour and lots of cargo ships in the backround

Weighing a box of tea with the VOC insignia in a Chinese trading house in Canton. Look through a room full of chests with the VOC insignia and the name of the Chinese trading house Yfeng Hang. On the left a group of three Dutch traders, behind a table a Dutch and a Chinese clerk write down the numbers. The performance is closed at the top by the edge of a roof. Part of a group of four gouaches about the production and export of Chinese tea by the VOC around 1750

This talk argues that early modern Asia is fast gaining greater consideration in histories and conceptualizations of capitalism on account of two developments: 1) a new emphasis on land as a natural resource for production; and 2) a view of Asian labour as a reservoir of human capital instead of simply an unskilled, coerced or enslaved population.

In making this argument, we disentangle the question of capitalism from growth and account for disparities within Asia. We also reckon with the reluctance of historians of Asia to embrace the term capitalism. Indeed, since the late 1990s, economic historians of Asia have been united in criticizing the application to Asia of paradigms formulated in reference to early modern European capitalism. Reluctant though many historians of early modern Asia may be to endorse capitalism as an analytical concept, we believe that this creates an imbalance that continues to anchor scholarship to Euro-centred conceptualisations.  The danger in this is twofold: in roundabout fashion it enshrines European exceptionalism, and it marginalizes the substantial advances in the study of economic life in early modern Asia over the past generation.


Giorgio Riello is Professor of Early Modern Global History at the European University Institute and the Principal Investigator of the ERC Advanced Project CAPASIA. He is also Professor of Global History and Culture at Warwick University.

Michael O’Sullivan is Senior Research Fellow for the CAPASIA project. Before his current position, he held fellowships at Harvard and Yale universities. His book on the histories of Gujarati Muslim commercial castes will be published by Harvard University Press later this year.

Tags: capitalism, History, Business History, Early Modern Period, Asia
Published Apr. 18, 2023 9:23 AM - Last modified Jan. 19, 2024 3:41 PM