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MINiTEXTS: Marginalia and Early Medieval Manuscript Culture

The research group studies minuscule texts, i.e. short texts added to Latin manuscripts.

A minuscule text on the cover of a medieval book.

Minuscule texts on the flyleaf of a medieval book. Photo: Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 223, p. 2.

About the group

To study the minuscule texts, the researchers use approaches from cultural, social, and religious history, manuscripts studies, and material philology. 

The discussions within this research group tend to focus on palaeographic and codicological aspects of such minuscule texts. In addition the focus is on various forms of practical knowledge communicated by such texts, and on related practices in the early medieval society of western Europe.

Digital humanities are in the core of our research activities. We hold regular meetings, invite researchers to present their work, and serve as a hub for hosting projects related to the central research themes.


The MINiTEXTS research group collaborates closely with two research projects at the Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History (IAKH):


Members of the research group can supervise master theses on related minuscule texts.

Tags: Middle Ages, manuscript culture
Published Feb. 3, 2023 11:46 AM - Last modified Mar. 25, 2024 11:49 AM


Head of group:

Ildar Garipzanov


Detailed list of participants