PhD Text Development Seminar in History

The text development seminars are designed to be an integral part of the educational component, aimed at enhancing the writing skills of all candidates and ultimately producing high-quality dissertations. 



IAKH invites PhD Fellows from the Faculty of Humanities to participate in our text development seminars in Autumn 2023. We welcome the participation of PhD Fellows from all departments within the faculty. Participants can contribute by submitting and presenting orally their ongoing thesis work, or by engaging actively and providing comments during the seminar.

The seminar is part of the mandatory training in text development in the Faculty of Humanities' PhD programme.

If you are a PhD student affiliated with a different department than IAKH and would like to participate in the seminar for ECTS points, you may contact (with in copy). Please clarify your participation with the Head of Research Training in your department in advance.

Seminar structure:

Each text submitted for the seminar will have 45 minutes allocated to it, which will consist of a 10-minute oral presentation by the author, followed by a 35-minute discussion. The seminar programme will be circulated to all participants in advance.

Coffee and food will be served to active participants in the seminar.

Instructions for text submission: 

  • The text should be work-in-progress, such as a thesis chapter/article draft.
  • If you are planning to submit a longer text draft, please indicate clearly which parts of the document you wish the readers to comment on.
  • Remember that your readers are qualified but not necessarily specialized in your field of research, and you should therefore provide reading instructions accordingly.
  • Texts are to be submitted one week before the seminar. Deadline: 29th September

Instructions for active participation:

  • Please read all the submitted texts and prepare comments for each text for the discussion.

  • After the seminar, you are expected to send written comments to the author of the text. 

  • When preparing your comments, you may keep in mind the following questions for thesis evaluation: 

    • Are the research questions and the hypotheses clear and have they been formulated precisely enough?
    • Are the research questions and the hypotheses fruitful in terms of the research situation?
    • To what extent are the materials referred to and the methods used suited to the purpose?
    • Have the conclusions that the material allows been drawn, and are they tenable?
    • Is the handling of relevant literature satisfactory?
    • Are the form of presentation, the layout and the scientific apparatus satisfactory?



Oliver Reiersen
Tags: PhD training, Writing workshop
Published July 24, 2023 4:17 PM - Last modified Aug. 3, 2023 1:44 PM