

Pierre-Yves Donzé, Véronique Pouillard & Joanne Roberts (2022), "Luxury Business: Approaches and Issues", In Pierre-Yves Donzé; Véronique Pouillard & Joanne Roberts (eds.),  Oxford Handbook of Luxury Business.  Oxford University Press, pp. 1-19.  ISBN 9780190932220.  1

Pierre-Yves Donzé, Véronique Pouillard & Joanne Roberts (eds.) (2022),  Oxford Handbook of Luxury Business.  Oxford University Press, 672 p. ISBN 9780190932220.  

Pouillard, Véronique (2022). "Intellectual Property Rights and Country of Origin Labels in the Luxury Industry", In Pierre-Yves Donzé, Véronique Pouillard & Joanne Roberts (eds.),  Oxford Handbook of Luxury Business.  Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 403-420.  ISBN 9780190932220.  19.

Pouillard, Véronique (2022), "Manufacturing Fashion in the Postwar Period", In Christopher Breward, Beverly Lemire & Giorgio Riello (eds.), The Cambridge Global History of Fashion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 35.


Buning, Marius (2021), "Introduction". In Marius Buning, Knowledge, Patents, Power: The Making of a Patent System in the Dutch Republic, Leiden: Brill, pp. 1-19 (book series "Knowledge Infrastructure and Knowledge Economy").

Dubé-Sénécal, Vincent (2021), "Fashion, Industry and Diplomacy: Reframing Couture-Textile Relations in France", Enterprise & Society, 2021, pp. 1-25

Pouillard, Véronique (2021). "Lobbying for Design Protection: A Perspective on France and the United States During the First Half of the Twentieth Century", In Dimensioni e Problemi della Ricera Storica, 2, 2021, Sapienza University Press, pp. 69-91.

Pouillard, Véronique (2021). Paris to New York.The Transatlantic Fashion Industry in the Twentieth Century, Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press, 324 p.


Hagen, Anja Nylund; Molde, Audun; Nathaus, Klaus & Mitrovic, Minja (2020). Panel: “The Impacts of the Covid-19 crisis on the cultural and creative sectors”.

Pouillard, Véronique (2020). "Moteindustrien og dens kritikere: en undersøkelse av kollektive verksteder i Frankrike på 1800-tallet", Arr. Idéhistorisk tidsskrift.

Pouillard, Véronique (2020). "Turning Authenticity into Business. Textile and Music in the Last Decade of Colonial Congo", Fortid, 1-2, pp. 47-54.


Donze, Pierre-Yves & Pouillard, Véronique (2019). The Luxury Business, In Teresa da Silva Lopes; Christina Lubinski & Heidi Tworek (eds.),  The Routledge Companion to Global Business, London: Routledge, chapter  ISBN 1138242659. 

Pouillard, Véronique (2019). Fashion and Youth, In Christine Dupont & Kieran Burns (eds.),  Restless Youth. Growing Up in Europe, 1945 to Now.  House of European History/European Parliament, chapter, pp. 113-123  ISBN 9789284631452.  

Earlier publications of the PI of relevance to the project

Pouillard, Véronique and Kuldova, Tereza eds. (2017), "Interrogating Intellectual Property Rights in Postwar Fashion and Design", special issue, Journal of Design History, Oxford Journals, 30.

Pouillard, Véronique (2015). “Contracts between fashion and the stage (1920s-1950s)”, European Drama and Performance Studies, 2, 5, 225-247.

Pouillard, Véronique (2011). "Design Piracy in the Fashion Industries of Paris and New York in the Interwar Years”, Business History Review, 85, 2, 319-344.

Pouillard, Véronique (2010). “Les publicitaires face à la segmentation des marchés: le cas de Radio-Luxembourg et de son audience européenne”, Revue du Nord, 92, 387, 967-980.

Pouillard, Véronique (2005), La publicité en Belgique, 1850-1975Des courtiers aux agences internationales, Brussels: Académie Royale de Belgique, 508 p.

Published Feb. 25, 2021 2:37 PM - Last modified May 4, 2022 4:22 PM