Open Lecture: Peacemaking in Scandinavia in the High Middle Ages

Louisa Taylor and Simon Lebouteiller present their work within the Civil War-project.

Illustration of ships at The Battle at Nesjar

"The Battle at Nesjar", Illustration by: Dag Frognes

Lectures by:

  • Louisa Taylor, postdoc in history, University of Oslo
  • Simon Lebouteiller, Associate Prof in history, University of Oslo

Taylor and Lebouteiller have both submitted phd-theses in 2016, on the topic of peacemaking in Scandinavia in the High Middle ages. 

  • Taylor on moderation and restraint among northern European elites in the Middle Ages. 
  • Lebouteiller on peacemaking in the Scandinavian world from the 8th to the 13th century.

They are participating in the Civil War-project, and will here present their ideas on the subject.

There will be refreshments after the presentation. Open for all.

The Lecture Series: Civil Wars in a Comparative Perspective

This series of lectures are part of the project Civil Wars in a Comparative Perspective, funded by Research Council of Norway and Centre for Advanced Studies. The project is led by Jon Vidar Sigurdsson og Hans Jacob Orning, professors of history at Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History, University of Oslo.


Published Aug. 30, 2017 4:05 PM - Last modified Oct. 11, 2019 1:30 PM