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The Norwegian Research School in History

The Norwegian Research School in History organizes courses for PhD fellows in history and fellows who use historical materials and methods. Our courses and workshops strengthen their intellectual range and specialist competencies and help them prepare for careers within and beyond academia.

About the Research School

NRSH offer courses in theory, methods and research ethics; self-help courses in dissertation writing; and, career development and research dissemination. We build networks among PhD fellows, across national and institutional boundaries, and offer training in the use of historical knowledge in the society at large. 

"One of the best things of being involved in this graduate school is that one takes at least as much out of the discussion as one brings in. Moreover, I am impressed by how these courses creates a common ground for all of us - both teachers and PhD-fellows - to discuss history in general as well as our individual research fields." Evaluation report for one of our 2021 courses, written by one of the teachers. 

NRSH Courses

NRSH courses are of three different kinds:

Theory, methods and research ethics  

Theory, methods and research ethics course, 5 ECTS. Annually, the first week of March. Every PhD thesis needs to explicitly grapple with issues of theory and methods. This course addresses theory (ideas/principles to explain a practice or account for a situation) and methods (planned procedure to pursue knowledge), and highlights the connections between them. PhD fellows are exposed to a range of theoretical, methodological and ethical approaches and problems and assist them in thinking and writing about them. We encourage students to sign up for this course during their first year, but it is also useful for more advanced candidates.
Advanced research course, 3 ECTS. Annual course. This course delves into a more a specialized theme/problem/approach and is designed to work on major new trends and to challenge students to practice their ability to learn and to think about particular theoretical ideas and methodological choices and strategies. Even so, its theoretical and methodological content will be widely applicable and of general relevance. We encourage PhD fellows to sign up for this course after they have completed the Theory and methods course, but it can also be taken independently of it and at any time during the PhD period.

Self-help workshops in dissertation writing

Dissertation writing workshop, 1 ECTS. Three times each year. These workshops are designed to support the PhD fellows in their writing process. Fellows often find it challenging to begin the writing process and to continue writing even when they meet different kinds of obstacles in their projects. Each workshop has a module where we focus specifically on one particular element in the process of writing the dissertation. Fellows also discuss their own dissertation chapters or articles with peers and faculty. These workshops are particularly well suited for network building across participating institutions. We encourage PhD fellows to participate in as many these workshops as they can fit into their schedules, throughout their project period.

Career development and research dissemination

History in society course, 3 ECTS. Biannual course. How can knowledge about past events and processes help us deal with acute challenges today? How may historians contribute? The course uses one major challenge as a case for understanding how historical knowledge and methods may be relevant. However, the theme itself is not what will be your core take-away. PhD fellows will engage with faculty and professionals who spend all their time on this problem, and work on improving their own abilities to apply and disseminate historical knowledge. This is a course where you will have to challenge yourself to think about how what we do is relevant and how we should make it matter. We encourage fellows to take part in one such course during their PhD project period.

Professional skills workshop, 1 ECTS. Two times each year. This workshop trains core practical skills which every historian needs to be proficient in. We cooperate with local, national and international partners and use hands-on pedagogical approaches. Organized in conjunction with the larger courses. We encourage students to participate in as many these workshops as they can fit into their schedules, throughout their project period.

Upcoming courses

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