Dissertation writing: How to situate your thesis in the historiography (1 ECTS)

How can you write a high-quality PhD dissertation in history? Three times each year, the Norwegian Research School in History invites its student members to present and discuss their texts with peers and faculty. 

Juan Antonio F. Segal from Madrid, Spain [CC BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)]

Students present and discuss chapters or articles that will be part of their PhD dissertations with peers and faculty. Dissertation writing workshops will assist students in:

- developing their work to meet high international standards in their fields of research;

- improving writing skills and ability to critically assess and comment on other student’s work; 

- encourage them to become comfortable presenting and discussing their work in professional settings, which is essential to their achieving professional and international recognition; and

- completing their doctorates within the stipulated time frame.

In addition to modules on the submitted PhD manuscripts, each workshop focus specifically on one or several challenges in the process of writing the dissertation. This symposium will focus on how to situate your thesis in the historiography, and we will work on this in a four hour long module during the course.  

Essential information

Registration: 15th August at the latest. We accept applications on a first-come-first-served basis for students of the partnerinstitutions and other members of NRSH. For non-members, we will offer available spaces for PhD students in history and other historical diciplines after the registration date. To apply, please fill out this registration form

Deadline for manuscripts: 31st August at the latest.

Course convener: professor Svein Atle Skålevåg, University of Bergen

Administrative support:

The symposium is estimated to 1 ECTS.

The course will take place on the 14-15th September, with plenary and group sessions of 8-9 hours in total. Specific times for the modules will be published after 1st September. 

Participation is open to students at partner institutions and other students members of the Norwegian Research School in History. Membership is open to all students who have taken the theory and methods course.


The plenary sessions will be in English. The manuscript sessions will be organized in English and English/Scandinavian groups (for manuscripts written in Norwegian or other Scandinavian languages), in order for everyone to be able to participate fully in reading and discussing. 

Mandatory writing and other preparatios:

Students submit texts from their dissertations (introduction, methods section, chapter, conclusion) or article manuscripts in advance. Students will be expected to have read and be prepared to discuss 4 (max 5) manuscripts for each symposium. They will serve as chair for one manuscript and main commentator for another. 

Maximum manuscript length is 6000 words (excl. references). If you submit a longer text, please indicate which parts of the text you want your readers to focus on. In addition, the submission  have a dissertation outline with title for the PhD, chapter/article titles and 100-200 words abstracts for each chapter/article. The front page should include a statement with your name and institution, the names of supervisors and enddate for your PhD period.

Partner institutions:

Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU) - Det humanistiske fakultet

Universitetet i Agder - Institutt for religion, filosofi og historie

Universitetet i Bergen - Institutt for arkeologi, historie, kultur- og religionsvitskap

Universitetet i Oslo - Institutt for arkeologi, konservering og historie, Universitetet i Oslo

Universitetet i Tromsø - Institutt for arkeologi, historie, religionsvitenskap og teologi

Nord Universitet - Fakultet for samfunnsvitenskap

Høgskulen i Volda - Samfunnsfag og historie

Handelshøyskolen BI - Institutt for rettsvitenskap og styring

Published Jan. 27, 2020 9:12 PM - Last modified Sep. 9, 2020 5:46 PM