Mathias Hatleskog Tjønn

Stipendiat - Historie

Faglige interesser

Mathias Hatleskog Tjønn har en MPhil i moderne internasjonal og transnasjonal historie fra Universitetet i Oslo (2019) og er nå tilknyttet NORMS-prosjektet ved Institutt for samfunnsforskning (ISF) som PhD-stipendiat.

Tjønn interesserer seg for returpolitikk, migrasjon, kolonihistorie og nyere europeisk historie.



Tjønn har tidligere jobbet som vitenskapelig assistent på Institutt for fredsforskning (PRIO)


HIFOs Fritt Ord Stipend (2020)
Babylon-prisen (2020)


PhD-representant i styret for Den nasjonale forskerskolen i historie (NRSH)


Tjønn har kontorplass på Institutt for samfunnsforskning (ISF)

Emneord: Historie, Italia, Kolonihistorie, Libya, Migrasjon, Norge, Samtidshistorie


  • Jumbert, Maria Gabrielsen; Sandvik, Kristin Bergtora & Tjønn, Mathias Hatleskog (2023). If ‘it all breaks down’: The Norwegian refugee crisis as a geography of chaos. Environment & Planning. D, Society and Space. ISSN 0263-7758. 41(5), s. 1–19. doi: 10.1177/02637758231203822.
  • Tjønn, Mathias Hatleskog & Jumbert, Maria Gabrielsen (2023). Migration Across the Mediterranean: Shaping Italy-Libya Relations Over Time. I Zapata-Barrero, Ricardo & Awad, Ibrahim (Red.), Migrations in the Mediterranean. Springer Nature. ISSN 978-3-031-42263-8. s. 53–69. doi: https:/
  • Tjønn, Mathias Hatleskog & Lemberg-Pedersen, Martin (2022). The Long-term Influence of a Short-lived Colony: Postcoloniality and Geopolitics of Energy and Migration Control in Libya. I Lemberg-Pedersen, Martin; Fett, Sharla M.; Mayblin, Lucy; Sahraoui, Nina & Stambøl, Eva Magdalena (Red.), Postcoloniality and Forced Migration: Mobility, Control, Agency . Bristol University Press. ISSN 978-1529218190. s. 125–143.
  • Tjønn, Mathias Hatleskog (2020). Å gjøre vann til olje. Kolonitidens betydning for den italiensk-libyske oljeindustrien. Babylon - Nordisk tidsskrift for Midtøstenstudier. ISSN 1503-5727. 17(2), s. 32–44. doi: 10.5617/ba.7767.
  • Tjønn, Mathias Hatleskog (2018). The ‘Europeanization’ of the Italian Migration Regime: Historicizing its Prerequisites, Development, and Transfer, from the ‘Oil Shock’ to the Mediterranean ‘Migration Crisis’. Global Histories: a Student Journal. ISSN 2366-780X. 4(2), s. 144–162. doi: 10.17169/GHSJ.2018.246.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Tjønn, Mathias Hatleskog ; Erdal, Marta Bivand & İçduygu, Ahmet (2024). Migration Management, Development and Integration Policies: How Poorly Recognized Policy Links Challenge the Navigation of Dilemmas and Limit the Realization of Opportunities.
  • Tjønn, Mathias Hatleskog (2024). Får ukrainske flyktninger bli i Norge? Morgenbladet. ISSN 0805-3847. 205(26).
  • Tjønn, Mathias Hatleskog & Lemberg-Pedersen, Martin (2023). Postcoloniality of Energy and Displacement in Libya. Border Criminologies Blog.
  • Slangsvold, Einar Lie; Paszkiewicz, Zofia; Tjønn, Mathias Hatleskog & Sæther, Steinar Andreas (2023). Studio 2 - Drømmen om Europa: Historien om migrasjon. [Radio]. NRK P2.
  • Tjønn, Mathias Hatleskog & Akal, Ayse Bala (2022). Rerouting Europe-bound refugees to the Global South ignores their human rights. Peace News.
  • Tjønn, Mathias Hatleskog (2020). The Persistence of Colonialism. PRIO Blogs.
  • Tjønn, Mathias Hatleskog (2019). The Long-Term Influence of a Short-Lived Colony – A Century of Italo-Libyan Relationships and Their Influence on the Current European Migration Regime in the Mediterranean.
  • Tjønn, Mathias Hatleskog (2022). Can the EU be an Effective Foreign Policy Actor Working for Peace in Libya? Peace Research Institute Oslo.
  • Lebon-McGregor, Elaine; Godin, Marie; Jumbert, Maria Gabrielsen; Schweers, Julia; Tjønn, Mathias Hatleskog & Ike, Niels (2022). Comparative experiences of third-country cooperation. PRIO - Institutt for fredsforskning. ISSN 978-82-343-0381-4.
  • Godin, Marie; Jumbert, Maria Gabrielsen; Lebon-McGregor, Elaine; Schweers, Julia & Tjønn, Mathias Hatleskog (2021). Internal (in)coherence in European migration policies. PRIO - Institutt for fredsforskning. ISSN 978-82-343-0227-5.
  • Erdal, Marta Bivand; Tjønn, Mathias Hatleskog & İçduygu, Ahmet (2021). Links between migration management, development and integration. PRIO - Institutt for fredsforskning. ISSN 978-82-343-0223-7.
  • Martins, Bruno Oliveira & Tjønn, Mathias Hatleskog (2020). Israel and COVID-19: The politics of health, security, and government formation. Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). ISSN 978-82-343-0134-6. 2020(6).
  • Erdal, Marta Bivand; Carling, Jørgen; Horst, Cindy & Tjønn, Mathias Hatleskog (2020). Diaspora, Development and Integration: A Review of Policies and Practice. Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). ISSN 978-82-343-0142-1. 2020(5).
  • Erdal, Marta Bivand; Carling, Jørgen; Horst, Cindy & Tjønn, Mathias Hatleskog (2020). Integration and Development: Need for Dialogue. Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). ISSN 978-82-343-0144-5. 2020(2).
  • Tjønn, Mathias Hatleskog (2019). The Persistence of Colonialism. A Century of Italo-Libyan Relationships and Their Influence on the Current European Migration Regime in the Mediterranean (1911–2017). Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Erdal, Marta Bivand; Bertelli, Davide; Kruse, Mathias; Tjønn, Mathias Hatleskog; Midtbøen, Arnfinn Haagensen & Brochmann, Grete [Vis alle 10 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2019). Citizenship, Participation and Belonging in Scandinavia: Results from a survey among young adults of diverse origins in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). ISSN 978-82-343-0048-6. 2019(7).

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 11. mai 2023 15:24 - Sist endret 16. juli 2024 12:29