Caligula’s legacy: Betrayed by history?

The Roman emperor Caligula has long been perceived as a power-hungry, insane tyrant.

Ancient rumors have shaped portrayals and perceptions of his life and reign. But did Caligula really plan on making his horse a consul?

Caligula has been an infamous historical figure, much due to his questionable politics and alarming personal choices. However, scandals and controversies surrounding his reign have undoubtedly been emphasized as a consequence of rumors that have survived from his time to ours. Narratives built on exaggeration and ancient gossip can be a great source of entertainment, but how should they be interpreted in a historical context?

Join us for an exciting conversation about Caligula’s legacy, the best and the worst of Roman emperors, and the narratives presented by ancient sources, with experts Associate Professors in Ancient History Daniele Miano and Jon W. Iddeng!

Publisert 24. mars 2023 10:06 - Sist endret 18. apr. 2023 09:18