Tidligere arrangementer - Side 22

Tid og sted: , Univerersity of Oslo

The course is cancelled, but will hopefully be rescheduled for a later date.

This course will provide a general introduction to the main approaches within just war theory and explore in detail several contested issues under debate. Instructors will be Professor Jeff McMahan (Oxford), Lars Christie (Oxford, Oslo), Greg Reichberg (PRIO). 


Tid og sted: , Georg Sverdrups hus Auditorium 2

Liliana Doganova is visiting the Science Studies Colloquium Series. Doganova teaches at Ecole des Mines and PSL. Her research lies at the intersection of economic sociology and STS (Science and Technology Studies), and explores market construction processes and valuation devices. She is currently preparing a monograph on the historical sociology of discounting.

The seminar is open for everyone!

Tid og sted: , Georg Morgenstiernes hus Seminarrom 204

Henk de Regt is visiting the Science Studies Colloquium Series. De Regt is Professor of Philosophy of Natural Sciences at the Faculty of Science at Radboud University. He obtained his PhD in 1993 at the Faculty of Philosophy at the VU Amsterdam, with the doctoral thesis Philosophy and the Art of Scientific Discovery. After obtaining his PhD, De Regt worked as a lecturer of the philosophy of science at Wageningen University and Utrecht University College, and as a researcher at Utrecht University. In 2001 he returned to the VU, where he carried out his first research project on scientific understanding with an NWO-Vidi grant. Subsequent projects were funded by NWO and Fordham University (New York), and were carried out at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS) and Cambridge University.

The seminar is open for everyone!

Tid og sted: , GM 144

This lecture looks at supplements to Petronius’ fragmentarily preserved Roman novel Satyricon from the 17th to the 20th century, and at how these supplements oscillate between creative attempts at forgery and scholarly attempts at reconstruction.

Tid og sted: , Georg Sverdrups hus Undervisningsrom 1

Karen Crowther is visiting the Science Studies Colloquium Series. Crowther is Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas at the University of Oslo. She specializes in the philosophy of science and the philosophy of physics. Crowther is interested in the nature of fundamental physical theories, as well as the idea of emergent physics, and the relationship between these different `levels’ of description. Much of her research has focused on effective field theory, spacetime and quantum gravity. Crowther's current project explores the roles of principles and other non-empirical guides to scientific theory construction and evaluation. In particular, she is looking at the different non-empirical guides involved in the search for quantum gravity. Before coming to Oslo, Crowther was a postdoc at the University of Geneva and University of Pittsburgh. She received her PhD from the University of Sydney.

The seminar is open for everyone!

Tid og sted: , Georg Sverdrups hus Undervisningsrom 1

Malin Ah-King is visiting the Science Studies Colloquium Series. Ah-King is an evolutionary biologist and gender researcher (Associate Professor in Gender Studies). Since she received her PhD in Zoology, Stockholm University, she has worked with interdisciplinary gender/biology research in different ways, by problematizing notions of biological sex as binary and stable, highlighting gender stereotypes and heteronormative conceptions in theory and research.

Tid og sted: , Georg Sverdrups hus Undervisningsrom 1

Gard Paulsen kommer til Forum for vitenskapsteori. Paulsen er forsker i teknologi- og vitenskapshistoriker ved NTNU. Han deltar i forskningsprosjektet 3ROceans, som undersøker forbindelsene mellom havets representasjons- og fremstillingsformer, ressurser og reguleringer.

Seminaret er åpent for alle!

Tid og sted: , Georg Sverdrups hus: Undervisningsrom 3

Suzi Adams is visiting the Science Studies Colloquium Series.  Adams is currently visiting fellow at the center ”Future of Sustainability” at the University of Hamburg.

The seminar is open for everyone!

Tid og sted: , Georg Sverdrups hus Auditorium 2

Alexander Rosenberg is visiting the Science Studies Colloquium Series.  Rosenberg is the R. Taylor Cole Professor of Philosophy, Duke University.

The seminar is open for everyone!

Tid og sted: , Litteraturhuset

Massimo Pigliucci, Professor of Philosophy at CUNY-City College, is visiting the Science Studies Colloquium Series at a special event in collaboration with Centre for Advanced Study at Litteraturhuset. Pigliucci has a doctorate in genetics from the University of Ferrara, Italy, a PhD in biology from the University of Connecticut, and a PhD in philosophy of science from the University of Tennessee. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry.

The seminar is free and open for everyone!

Tid og sted: , Georg Sverdrups hus Undervisningsrom 1

Massimo Pigliucci, Professor of Philosophy at CUNY-City College, is visiting the Science Studies Colloquium Series. Pigliucci has a doctorate in genetics from the University of Ferrara, Italy, a PhD in biology from the University of Connecticut, and a PhD in philosophy of science from the University of Tennessee. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry.

The seminar is open for everyone!

Tid og sted: , Georg Sverdrups hus Undervisningsrom 1

Michael Strevens is visiting the Science Studies Colloqium Series. Strevens is professor in the Philosophy Department at New York University. His academic work is principally concerned with the nature of science, covering topics such as scientific explanation, understanding, complex systems, probability of various sorts, causation, and the social structure of science; he also applies contemporary research in cognitive psychology to explain aspects of both philosophical and scientific thinking.

The seminar is open for everyone!

Tid og sted: , Georg Sverdrups hus Undervisningsrom 3

Liv Langfeldt kommer til Forum for vitenskapsteori. Langfeldt er Forsker 1 ved NIFU og leder for Centre for Research Quality and Policy Impact Studies (R-QUEST). Hun har en dr.polit.-grad fra Universitet i Oslo og forsker på blant annet på forsknings­politiske virkemidler og fagfellevurdering. På seminaret vil hun presentere et rammeverk for å studere forskningskvalitet, som samtidig sikter mot å forstå skjæringspunktet mellom politikk og vitenskap. Temaet blir også belyst empirisk, med data fra ulike fagfelt.

Seminaret er åpent for alle!

Tid og sted: , 452 Georg Morgenstiernes hus, Blindernveien 31, 0315 Oslo

A conference on the perception of music and speech as part of the ‘Perceiving Representations’ project. In particular, we are interested in whether there are interesting similarities between the perception of these two auditory phenomena, and in gathering together specialists who are working on each to foster fruitful discussions and novel insights.

Tid og sted: , Georg Sverdrups hus Undervisningsrom 1

Ingo Brigandt is visiting the Science Studies Colloquium Series. Brigandt is Professor of Philosophy, University of Alberta, and has held various grants and fellowships from the Andrew Mellon Foundation, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research, the University of Hannover, Duke University and the University of Alberta. His work combines the history and philosophy of biology with epistemology and the philosophy of mind and language by attempting to understand scientific practice and concept use (including its historical change) from an epistemological and semantic point of view.

The seminar is open for everyone!

Tid og sted: , GM 652, University of Oslo

CPS celebrates its beginning

Tid og sted: , The University of Oslo Blindern Campus, The University Aula,The Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology

The Science Studies Colloquium Series is sponsoring The International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB) Conference 2019, that will take place in Oslo in July. 

Tid og sted: , Georg Sverdrups hus Undervisningsrom 1

Dr. Holly Andersen, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Simon Fraser University is visiting the Science Studies Colloquium Series. 

Tid og sted: , Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus Auditorium 2

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing our lives. However, modern AI shows remarkable, unpredictable and mysterious non-human behaviour when replacing human activity, and this is not at all understood. Professor Anders Hansen from the University of Cambridge gives a talk on the mysteries of AI.

Tid og sted: , Georg Sverdrups hus Undervisningsrom 1

Professor Geoffrey Bowker, UCI-Donald Bren School of Information & Computer Sciences, is visiting the Science Studies Colloquium Series.

Tid og sted: , Georg Morgenstiernes hus, rom 115

This course provides an overview of some leading developments in metaphysics in the analytic tradition over the last Century. Both PhD-Candidates and MA-students are welcome to join us.

Tid og sted: , Georg Morgenstiernes hus

The University of Oslo (IFIKK) invites you to register for the following PhD-Course:

Environmental Justice and Rights over Resources

Tid og sted: , Georg Sverdrups hus Auditorium 2

Professor Tom Shakespeare is visiting the Science Studies Colloquium Series. Shakespeare is trained in social and political sciences at Cambridge University, and has taught and researched at the Universities of Sunderland, Leeds, Newcastle and East Anglia. From 2008-2013 he was a technical officer at the World Health Organisation. Currently Shakespeare is chair of Light for the World - UK, and vice-chair of Light for the World International, see https://www.light-for-the-world.org/.

The seminar is open for everyone!

Tid og sted: , Georg Morgenstiernes hus, University of Oslo