Davide Sutto - Doctoral Research Fellow in Philosophy

David joined IFIKK in January 2023. He holds a Master's degree in Philosophy from the University of Turin, Italy.

What are you going to work with at IFIKK?

I am part of Øystein Linnebo’s Advanced ERC Project  C:FORS: Construction in the Formal Sciences and I’m currently dealing with Work-Package 1, which focuses on constructional approaches to the foundations of mathematics. More precisely, my main research area is set-theoretic potentialism, a view that aims at developing set theory through the resources of modal logic. In basic terms, the core idea behind potentialism is that the set-universe is inexhaustible, that is, there could always be more sets.

At the moment, my project consists in the development of a novel approach to modal set-theory, which should capitalize on the milestones reached by the scholars in the last ten years. This theory should then be the subject of a philosophical investigation with the following goals: developing an intensional notion of class suitable also to treat the problem of absolute generality; expanding the research on potentialism towards both advanced set theory and its historical roots.

Can you tell us a bit about your research interests?

My research interest are related to the foundations of mathematics and the philosophy of set theory. Before moving, in my MA, to a comprehensive analysis on the current debate on set-theoretic potentialism, during my BA I also studied non-eliminative mathematical structuralism. Now I’m mostly focused in acquiring the formal tools to pursue my philosophical research, especially from advanced set theory and mathematical logic.

Beside philosophy of mathematics, I am also interested in philosophy of science and in the debate concerning the theories of rationality. I’m rather fond of decision theory and theories of bounded rationality and I’m planning to come back to these topics in the future. Finally, I’m also passionate about philosophy of literature, especially when it comes to the most formal aspects of the discipline.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I’m a basketball fan and I regularly follow the NBA. I also love skiing, especially downhill and freeriding. I’m also a vinyl collector, at the moment I’m mostly into old-school hip-hop (Wu-Tang Clan is my favourite), but I generally listen to various sorts of music. I also love reading, American post-modernism and weird-fiction above all, and going to the movies (especially Tarantino-like films). From an overall perspective, I’m a huge fan of pop culture and everything related to it, art and fashion included.

Published Feb. 22, 2023 11:35 AM - Last modified Feb. 22, 2023 11:35 AM