Associate Professor of Philosophy

Here you can find up-to date public information on the status of the appointment process.


  • 30 May 2022: announcement
  • 31 August 2022: application deadline 
  • October/November 2022: Selection committee invites the most qualified applicants to submit a portfolio of educational certificates, letters of reference and academic works.
  • February 2023: Expert committee selects the candidates who will be invited for an interview and a trial lecture
  • 23-24 March 2023: interviews and trial lectures Epistemology
  • 17-21 April 2023: interviews and trial lectures Language/Logic
  • 27 April / 1 June 2023: IFIKK board meeting
  • May/June 2023: Appointment committee of the Faculty of Humanities meeting
  • 1 August 2023: position available from

Number of applicants: 79

Selection committee

  1. Øystein Linnebo
  2. Karen Crowther
  3. Bjørn Ramberg
  4. Reidar Maliks

Expert committee


  1. Olav Gjelsvik
  2. Gabriel Uzquiano
  3. Jessica Leech


  1. Olav Gjelsvik
  2. Jessica Brown
  3. Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen

Interview committee

  1. Bjørn Ramberg
  2. Karen Crowther
  3. Reidar Maliks
  4. Mats Almlid


  1. The Interview committee will write an advisory evaluation report based on the applications, interviews and reference interviews. The report will list the qualified applicants in the order of which they should be taken into consideration by IFIKK's board.
  2. Based on the Interview committee's report, IFIKK's board  will recommend the qualified applicants in ranked order to the Appointment committee of the Faculty of Humanities.
  3. The final decision in the hiring process will be passed by the Appointment committee of the Faculty of Humanities.

The Interview committee's assessment is not open to public viewing, neither is the recommendation of IFIKK's board to the Appointment committee of the Faculty.

Minutes from the meetings of IFIKK's board and the Appointment committee are open to public viewing and are published on the web pages of IFIKK and the Faculty respectively.

Published June 28, 2022 2:26 PM - Last modified June 27, 2023 2:54 PM