Sofia Heim

Image of Sofia Vaageheim
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Room 513
Available hours 08-16
Visiting address Blindernveien 31 Georg Morgenstiernes hus 0313 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1020 Blindern 0315 Oslo
Other affiliations Faculty of Humanities (Student)

Academic interests

My main interests are choral lyric, papyrology and archaic Greek poetry. I am particularly interested in spatial figures and their representations in Ancient literature, and how poets utilize geography in the creation and structuring of their poetic landscapes and cosmographies.

My research currently centres on the victory odes of Pindar, Simonides and Bacchylides from the early 5th century BC and their use of peripheral figures in the construction of their literary landscapes.  


I have a BA in Russian studies, as well as a BA and MA in Classics from the University of Oslo. Former board-member and (re)founder of FUFAK, the Subject Comittee for Ancient Culture and Classical Languages.

As an eager philologist, I have a background in studies of Ancient Greek, Latin, Russian, Church Slavonic, Akkadian, Middle-Egyptian and Coptic.

Before my employment as a PhD-fellow at the University of Oslo, I was employed as a research assistant/papyrologist for the ERC-project DEChriM at MF (Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society) under project leader Victor Ghica.

In addition to the philological research I do as a PhD-fellow in Classics, I also work in the papyrus collection at the University Library of Oslo where I publish editions of documentary papyri and assist in maintaining the OPES-collection and digital editions of the Oslo-papyri.


  • Georg Morgenstiernes-award, 2019


1. deputy as a representative of temporary research employees at the Board of IFIKK 


  • Heim, Sofia (2022). Pindar the Architect. In Lamers, Han & Bär, Silvio Friedrich (Ed.), Studia in honorem Vibeke Roggen. Hermes Academic Publishing and Bookshop A/S. ISSN 9788280342126. p. 379–398.
  • Heim, Sofia (2021). I følge med en reiseguide: En omvisning i Hellasbeskrivelsens overleveringshistorie. Arr - Idéhistorisk tidsskrift. ISSN 0802-7005. 33(2), p. 59–70.

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  • Heim, Sofia (2022). Oldtidas verk og plager. Dagsavisen. ISSN 1503-2892. 54(99), p. 10–11.
  • Heim, Sofia (2022). Antikkens Olympiade. Dagsavisen. ISSN 1503-2892. 54(43), p. 12–13.

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Published Sep. 9, 2021 1:09 PM - Last modified Nov. 30, 2022 4:28 PM

Research groups