Patrik Baard

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Room 403

Academic interests

Areas of expertise: Applied ethics, political philosophy, environmental ethics, environmental philosophy, research ethics, citizen science, normative and epistemological issues pertaining to biodiversity, and climate change

Areas of competence: Philosophy of science, sociology, some meta-ethics


I am a postdoctoral fellow at UiO (2022-2025), working on rights of nature and relational values as a part of the research project Dynamic Territory. The research reflects and continues my prior research commitments on environmental ethics and epistemology, but extends those topics to also scrutinize the concept of 'rights' and the possibilities of ascribing rightful claims to entities in nature, or nature itself. I also investigate the possible obligations arising out of relations to nature.

Awards and Funding

  • Seal of Excellence, two Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions applications scoring (2019 (88.2 of 100) and again 2020 (92.8 of 100)) high enough to being 'scored as a high-quality project proposal in a highly competitive evaluation process' by the European Commission.
  • 2021: Co-principal investigator (with Principal Investigator: Anders Melin of Malmö University). ‘Value conflicts in urban biodiversity management – case studies of Swedish municipalities’, Swedish research council FORMAS, 2022-2024. Total sum (Swedish Krona SEK): 2 970 861 (Declined active participation due to postdoctoral position at the University of Oslo 2022-2025. Remained part of advisory group)

  • 2019: Co-principal investigator (with Principal Investigator: Per Sandin of Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences).’Research ethics for citizen science’, Swedish research council FORMAS, 2020-2022 (extended due to Covid-19 delays).Total sum (Swedish Krona SEK): 2 928 000 (Was an active participant during 2020-2022, declined later participation due to postdoctoral position at the University of Oslo 2022-2025. Remain peripherally involved in project and in advisory group.)

Prior positions

  • 2020-2022: P ostdoctoral researcher, Department of Global Political Studies, Malmö University (in Sweden). Two projects: justice in energy scenarios (0.8 FTE), and research ethics in citizen science (0.15 FTE)
  • 2017-2019: Postdoctoral researcher, Swedish Biodiversity Centre, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Project on biodiversity, ethics, and uncertainty (1.0 FTE)
  • 2010-2016: Graduate student, Philosophy unit, Royal Institute of Technology (in Sweden). My PhD project focused on epistemic and normative aspects of climate change adaptation.



Baard, P., 2022. Ethics in Biodiversity Conservation. London and New York: Routledge, ISBN: 9780367627645.

Academic publications

25. Baard, P., 2024''Relational values' is neither a justified nor necessary ethical concept', Ethics, Policy & Environment

24. Baard, P., 2024. 'Sovereignty, ecology, and regional imperatives: Formulating normative foundations for regional ecological justice', Territory, Politics, Governance

23. Baard, P., Melin, A., and Magnusdottir, G. L., 2023 'Justice in energy transition scenarios: Perspectives from Swedish energy politics', Etikk i Praksis – Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics.

22. Mancilla, A., and Baard, P., 2023'Climate justice and territory'WIREs Climate Change.

21. Wienhues, A., Baard, P., Donoso, A. and Oksanen, M., 2023. 'The Ethics of Species Extinctions', Cambridge Prisms: Extinction

20. Baard, P., 2023'Are Rights of Nature Manifesto Rights (And Is That a Problem)?'Res Publica

19. Sandin, P. & Baard, P., 2023'Credit in citizen science', Eaton, S. E. (ed.), Handbook of Academic Integrity, Springer: Dordrecht 

18. Melin, A., Magnusdottir, G. L., & Baard, P., 2022. 'Energy Politics and Justice: An Ecofeminist Ethical Analysis of the Swedish Parliamentarian Debate', Ethics, Policy & Environment

17. Baard, P., & Sandin, P., 2022. 'Principlism and citizen science: the possibilities and limitations of principlism for guiding responsible citizen science conduct', Research Ethics. 

16. Baard, P., & Melin, A., 2022. ‘Max power: Identifying minimum capability thresholds and maximum ceilings for just energy footprints’, Science & Engineering Ethics. 

15. Baard, P., 2021Knowledge, participation and the future: Epistemic quality in energy scenario construction’. Energy Research & Social Science 75

14. Baard, P., 2021Biocentric individualism and biodiversity conservation: An argument from parsimony’. Environmental Values 30(1): 93-110 

13. Baard, P. 2021. ‘Fundamental challenges for rights of nature’, in Corrigan, D. and Oksanen, M. (eds.). Rights of Nature: A Re-examination. London and New York: Routledge. ISBN: 978-03-6747-959-6

12. Baard, P. 2020. ‘Conflicting advice: Resolving conflicting moral recommendations in climate and environmental ethics’, in Walsh, Z., and Henning, B. (eds.) Climate Change Ethics and the Non-human World. London and New York: Routledge. ISBN: 978-03-6740-610-3

11. Baard, P., 2020. ‘Biologisk mångfald och etik: Om artrikedom och naturvärden’, Tidskrift för Politisk Filosofi 2020:1.[‘Biodiversity and ethics: On species diversity and natural value’, Journal of Political Philosophy]

10. Baard, P. & Ahteensuu, M., 2019. ‘Ethics in conservation’. Journal for Nature Conservation 52

9. Baard, P., 2019. ‘The goodness of means: Instrumental and relational values, causation, and environmental policies’. Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics 32(1): 183-199

8. Baard, P. 2016. ‘Risk-Reducing Goals: Ideals and Abilities When Managing Complex Environmental Risks’. Journal of Risk Research 19(2): 164-180

7. Baard, P. and Wikman Svahn, P. 2016. 'Do we have a residual obligation to engineer the climate, as a matter of justice?', in Preston, C. (ed.) Climate Justice & Geoengineering. UK: Rowman & Little field: 49-62. ISBN: 978-17-8348-636-6

6. Baard, P. 2015. 'Change of Plans?: An Environmental Pragmatist View on Reconsidering Long-term Goals'. Environmental Philosophy 12(2): 185-204

5. Baard, P. 2015. ‘Managing Climate Change: A View from Deep Ecology’. Ethics & the Environment 20(1): 23-44.

4. Baard, P. 2015. ‘Adaptive Ideals and Aspirational Goals: The Realist Constraints and Utopian Ideals of Climate Change Adaptation’. Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics 28(4): 739-757.

3. Baard, P., and K. Edvardsson Björnberg. 2015. ‘Cautious Utopias: Environmental Goal-Setting with Long Time-Frames’. Ethics, Policy & Environment 18(2): 187-201

2. Baard, P., M. Vredin Johansson, H. Carlsen, and K. Edvardsson Björnberg. 2012. ‘Scenarios and Sustainability’, Local Environment 17: 641-662.  
1. Baard, P., 2011. 'Mill, miljö, och hållbarhet', Tidskrift för Politisk Filosofi 2011:3. ('John Stuart Mill, environment, and sustainability', Journal of Political Philosophy]



Baard, P., & Melin, A., 2022. Guest editors of Tidskrift för Politisk Filosofi [Journal of Political Philosophy], theme issue on Energy Justice.  (Read our editorial)


  • Baard, P., 2016. Cautiously utopian goals: Philosophical analyses of climate change objectives and sustainability targets (Royal Institute of Technology). This is a compilation thesis consisting of six articles (five listed above, plus one unpublished article). The introduction can be read here

Outreach activities

In English

  • An interview about my anthology contribution on 'rights of nature' can be read online
  • 'Research on display', an online exhibition at Malmö University (in Sweden) where I was invited to present an anthology contribution in October 28, 2021. The seminar and interview is available online.

In Norwegian

  • Chronicle in Klassekampen on rights of nature, June 2023 (Chronicle behind paywall)

In Swedish

  • Interviewed for article on rights of nature in Swedish popular science journal Forskning & Framsteg, June 2023 (Article behind paywall)
  • Guest at ‘Vetenskapsradion’ [‘Science radio’] on Swedish national radio SR, January 2020.  [Roughly between 56:55-1:00:55] 
  • In 2019 I organized seminar series at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, on Biodiversity and ethics

Popular science: 

Reports (in Swedish)

As researcher

As analyst


Tags: Philosophy, Ethics, Applied philosophy, Political philosophy, Applied Ethics, environmental philosophy


View all works in Cristin

Published Apr. 5, 2022 11:27 AM - Last modified Apr. 5, 2024 2:21 PM