Rebecca Kvisler Iversen

Image of Rebecca Kvisler Iversen
Norwegian version of this page
Visiting address Blindernveien 31 Georg Morgenstiernes hus 0313 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1020 Blindern 0315 Oslo


My research interests lie in the development of non-literal language skills (e.g. irony) in children. I am also interested in the impact cognitive (e.g. cognitive flexibility) and mentalising skills may have on this development. Whereas the understanding of non-literal language in typically developing children develop over time, we are still lacking a satisfying description of why this type of language use continue to be challenging for most children with autism. In the Research Council of Norway FINNUT project, Creativity and Convention in Pragmatic Developmentour goal is to use a combination of implicit (eye gaze) and explicit (forced-choice tasks) techniques to clarify which factors that are involved in this development


2020: PhD Psychology, Lancaster University (Supervisor: Charlie Lewis)
2013: MSc Developmental disorders, Lancaster University
2012: BSc Psychology, University of Stirling 


2019/2020: RA at The University of Edinburgh- Managing Repetitive Behaviour:
A clinical and cost effectiveness trial of a parent group intervention to manage restricted and repetitive behaviours in young children with Autism 
(PI: Sue Fletcher-Watson)


2021: HON2120 21H Innføring i tverrfaglige forskningsmetoder for honours-studenter
2022: LING1107- vår 2022


2015-2019: PhD teaching scholarship
(Faculty of Science and Technology, Lancaster University)



Iversen, R. K., & Lewis, C. (2021). Executive Function Skills Are Linked to Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors: Three Correlational Meta Analyses. Autism Research

Grahame, V., Dixon, L., Fletcher-Watson, S., Garland, D., Glod, M., Goodwin, J., Grayson, Z., Heron, S., Honey, E. Iversen, R. et al. (2021) A clinical and cost-effectiveness trial of a parent group intervention to manage challenging restricted and repetitive behaviours in young children with autism spectrum disorder: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials. 22, 240.



Tags: Pragmatics, Linguistics, Non-literal language, Developmental Psychology, Autism


  • Iversen, Rebecca Kvisler (2023). They are wellies, not shoes: Does children's sensitivity to language norms get weaker with age?
  • Iversen, Rebecca Kvisler; Rodriguez Ronderos, Camilo & Falkum, Ingrid Lossius (2023). They are wellies, not shoes: Does children's sensitivity to language norms get weaker with age?
  • Iversen, Rebecca Kvisler; Rodriguez Ronderos, Camilo & Falkum, Ingrid Lossius (2023). They are wellies, not shoes: Does children's sensitivity to language norms get weaker with age?
  • Falkum, Ingrid Lossius & Iversen, Rebecca Kvisler (2021). Sense conventions, pragmatics, and the development of non-literal uses of language.
  • Iversen, Rebecca Kvisler & Falkum, Ingrid Lossius (2021). Verbal irony comprehension in TD and ASD children: The impact of perspective-taking skills and language norms .
  • Iversen, Rebecca Kvisler (2021). Verbal Irony Comprehension in TD and ASD Children: The Impact of Perspective-Taking and Language Norms.

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Published Nov. 11, 2020 8:37 AM - Last modified Feb. 14, 2022 2:10 PM