Cathrine Holst

Professor - Philosophy
Image of Cathrine Holst
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Postal address Postboks 1020 Blindern 0315 Oslo

Cathrine Holst is Professor in Philosophy of Science and Democracy.

She teaches and is in charge of the following courses: Science and democracy: philosophical perspectives (FIL1009) and Innføring i filosofi, politikk og økonomi (PPE1000).

Holst's research topics are at the interface between philosophy and social science. Among her academic interests are political theory and epistemology, democratic theory and public policy, philosophy and sociology of science and expertise, and feminist philosophy. In her empirical research Holst has focused in particular on the relationship between expertise and politics in the EU and in Nordic countries, in gender policy, environmental policy and drug policy, and during the corona crisis.

Holst is leader of the research project The influence of experts on public policy (2023-2027) funded under FRIPRO (Research Council of Norway), and of the research group Science and democracy (SciDem 2023-2026) funded by UiO:Democracy.

Holst has her doctoral degree from the Centre of the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities at the University of Bergen. She has been Associate Professor in the philosophy of the social sciences at the University of Bergen, Research Professor at ARENA Centre for European Studies and Professor at the Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo.

Holst was previously guest researcher at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge, the Quality of Government Institute, University of Gothenburg, Robert Schuman Centre, European University Institute, Firenze, Hans Jonas Zentrum, Freie Universität, Berlin, and Department of Political Science, New School for Social Research, New York.

Holst has been leader of several larger research projects on the role of expert knowledge in policy-making and democracy. In 2020-2022 she was leader of a research group at the Centre for Advanced Studies (CAS) in Oslo with the project What is a good policy? Political morality, feasibility and democracy (GOODPOL).

Holst is Fellow and member of the board of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. She is deputy leader of the board of the Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture (TIK) and member of the board of the Science Studies Colloquium Series, University of Oslo, see


Tags: Philosophy of social science, Political epistemology, Philosophy and public policy, Deliberative democracy, Feminist philosophy, Philosophy of expertise, Expertise politics, Nordic and EU politics, Gender equality policy and family policy, Environmental policy, Drug policy


  • Elster, Jakob & Holst, Cathrine (2024). Philosophy, Policy, and Moral Expertise. Res Publica. ISSN 1356-4765. doi: 10.1007/s11158-023-09651-x.
  • Hart, Rannveig Kaldager & Holst, Cathrine (2024). What about fertility? The unintentional pro-natalism of a Nordic country. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society. ISSN 1072-4745. p. 1–26. doi: 10.1093/sp/jxad033. Full text in Research Archive
  • Holst, Cathrine & Teigen, Mari (2024). The “boy problem” in public policy. Politics & Policy. ISSN 1555-5623. doi: 10.1111/polp.12570. Full text in Research Archive
  • Holst, Cathrine & Teigen, Mari (2023). Kjønnsmakt i likestillingslandet. Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift. ISSN 2535-2512. 7(4-5), p. 9–25. doi: 10.18261/nost.7.4-5.2. Full text in Research Archive
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). Normativ teori i analyse av sosiologien selv. In Hestholm, Roger Ivan & Skarpenes, Ove (Ed.), Sosiologisk analyse. Fagbokforlaget. ISSN 9788245045932.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). Worries about philosopher experts. Res Publica. ISSN 1356-4765. doi: 10.1007/s11158-023-09621-3. Full text in Research Archive
  • Holst, Cathrine & Christensen, Johan (2023). The epistemic quality of expert bodies: from normative-theoretical concept to empirical measurement. Acta Politica. ISSN 0001-6810. doi: 10.1057/s41269-023-00312-8. Full text in Research Archive
  • Pedersen, Willy; Røgeberg, Ole & Holst, Cathrine (2023). Drug reform defeated? Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning. ISSN 0040-716X. 64(2), p. 126–146. doi: 10.18261/TFS.64.2.2. Full text in Research Archive
  • Gundersen, Torbjørn & Holst, Cathrine (2022). Science Advice in an Environment of Trust: Trusted, but Not Trustworthy? Social Epistemology. ISSN 0269-1728. 36(5), p. 629–640. doi: 10.1080/02691728.2022.2101564. Full text in Research Archive
  • Holst, Cathrine (2022). Påminnelser om vitenskap, samfunn og politikk. In Torjussen, Lars Petter Storm & Hvidsten, Andreas Holmedahl (Ed.), Arven etter Skjervheim. Fagbokforlaget. ISSN 9788245038033. p. 113–128.
  • Holst, Cathrine & Stie, Anne Elisabeth (2022). I takt eller utakt? Europeiseringen av Norge. In Frønes, Ivar & Kjølsrød, Lise (Ed.), Det norske samfunn - bind 1. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S. ISSN 9788205563414. p. 281–304.
  • Langvatn, Silje Aambø & Holst, Cathrine (2022). Expert accountability: what does it mean, why is it challenging - and is it what we need? Constellations. ISSN 1351-0487. doi: 10.1111/1467-8675.12649. Full text in Research Archive
  • Holst, Cathrine (2022). Å evaluere koronahåndteringen – ut fra hvilke kriterier? Politisk teori og forvaltningskvalitet. Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift. ISSN 0801-1745. 38(3), p. 108–114. doi: 10.18261/nst.38.3.4. Full text in Research Archive
  • Holst, Cathrine (2022). Kommisjonen som skulle hjelpe oss ut av krisen. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning. ISSN 0040-716X. 63(3), p. 228–234. doi: 10.18261/tfs.63.3.5. Full text in Research Archive
  • Holst, Cathrine & Molander, Anders (2022). Asymmetry, Disagreement and Biases: Epistemic Worries about Expertise. In Baghramian, Maria & Martini, Carlo (Ed.), Questioning Experts and Expertise. Routledge. ISSN 9780367752859. doi: 10.4324/9781003161851.
  • Gundersen, Torbjørn; Alinejad, Donya; Branch-Smith, Teresa; Duffy, Bobby; Hewlett, Kirstie & Holst, Cathrine [Show all 11 contributors for this article] (2022). A New Dark Age? Truth, Trust, and Environmental Science. Annual Review Environment and Resources. ISSN 1543-5938. 47, p. 5–29. doi: 10.1146/annurev-environ-120920-015909. Full text in Research Archive
  • Pedersen, Willy; Holst, Cathrine & Fjell, Live Kjos (2021). Warriors against the ‘War on Drugs’: Lay experts in Norwegian drug policy. Current Sociology. ISSN 0011-3921. doi: 10.1177/00113921211056056.

View all works in Cristin

View all works in Cristin

  • Holst, Cathrine (2024). Hvor er likestillingen på vei?
  • Holst, Cathrine (2024). Public trust in science.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2024). Kunnskap og demokrati.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2024). Intervju om tillit i politikken.
  • Holst, Cathrine & Rem, Tore (2024). Uten kunnskap forvitrer demokratiet. VG : Verdens gang. ISSN 0805-5203.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2024). Nordisk likestillingspolitikk - kan den eksporteres?
  • Holst, Cathrine (2024). Tenketankene i norsk offentlighet.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2024). Philosophy, Policy, and Moral Expertise.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2024). Likestilling i Norden - hvilken rolle spiller EU?
  • Holst, Cathrine (2024). Er medisinere eksperter på helsepolitikk? Ramazzini: norsk tidsskrift for arbeids- og miljømedisin. ISSN 0805-5238.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2024). Plato’s dreams come true: modern epistocracy.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2024). Kanskje er mastergraden slett ikke så syk. [Newspaper]. Morgenbladet.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). Norsk likestilling kan få drahjelp fra EU. [Internet]. KILDEN.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). Corona reports and public administration ethics.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). Case selection in non-ideal theory.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). The influence of experts on public policy: normative perspectives.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). Leave it to the experts? Expertise, policy-making and democracy.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). Democratization of expertise?
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). Trust in science advice.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). Policy Brief: How Can Governments Build Trust in Science? Peritia report series.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). Eksternt blikk på Morgenbladet.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). Hvordan gikk det med pandemibarna? [Newspaper]. Aftenposten.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). På innsiden av offentlige utvalg. [Newspaper]. Morgenbladet.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). Spiser kapitalismen opp jordkloden? [Newspaper]. Universitas.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). Kvalitetsstriden. [Business/trade/industry journal]. Forskerforum.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). Bør filosofene styre?
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). Leave it to the experts? .
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). Regulating for evidence-based advice - which prescriptions for non-epistemic value judgments?
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). Demokratisk kontroll over kunnskap.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). When political theorists refer to actual cases: considerations on case selection.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). Gender representation in expert groups.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). Demokrati og ekspertstyre. In Skjerve, Kjetil Mangset & Dons, Erlend Mørreaunet (Ed.), Tenk! Lærebok til ex.phil.. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 9788215068220.
  • Austveg, Victoria Ciobanu; Holst, Cathrine; Healey, Emma & Witcombe, Nicola (2023). NNL Pod 6: What are the challenges to gender equality policymaking in the Nordics? . [Radio]. The New Nordic Lexicon.
  • Austveg, Victoria Ciobanu; Holst, Cathrine; Healey, Emma & Witcombe, Nicola (2023). NNL Pod 5: Does Reality live up to the Nordics´ reputation when it comes to gender equality? [Radio]. The New Nordic Lexicon .
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). 20 år siden Maktutredningen. Hvor står folkestyret?
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). What are the ingredients for a successful advisory body?
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). Science, expertise and democracy.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). Democratization of expertise?
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). The role of experts in policy advice: the institutional basis of trustworthiness.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). Departementsråden - hersker eller tjener, og for hvem? [Internet]. Universitetsplassen Podkast.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). Lytt til ekspertene? Samfunnsviter'n.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2023). Kunnskap i markedssamfunnet. Anmeldelse av "Citizen Knowledge. Markets, Experts, and the Infrastructure of Democracy" av Lisa Herzog. Agora. ISSN 0800-7136.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2022). Is there such a thing as basic research on public policy?
  • Holst, Cathrine (2022). Worries about philosopher experts.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2022). Worries about philosopher experts.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2022). Leave it to experts? Expertise, policy-making and democracy.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2022). Conversations on the politics of economics: claims for knowledge.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2022). Leave it to the experts?
  • Holst, Cathrine (2022). Should Policy-Makers Listen To Scientists?
  • Holst, Cathrine (2022). Expertise, democracy and the politics of trust.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2022). Fag og politikk.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2022). Worries about philosopher experts.
  • Holst, Cathrine & Elster, Jakob (2022). Philosophy, Policy and Moral Expertise.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2022). Normative vurderinger i offentlig forvaltning.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2022). Styrer ekspertene alt?
  • Holst, Cathrine (2022). Strategic crisis management in the EU.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2022). Forvaltningens kunnskapsmakt. Bør Stortingets utredningskapasitet styrkes?
  • Holst, Cathrine (2022). In the shadow of justice.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2022). Feministene krangler om 8. mars . [Newspaper]. Dagens Næringsliv.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2022). I år arrangeres alternativt tog på kvinnedagen: – Ekstra harde fronter. [Newspaper]. Aftenposten.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2022). Descriptive representation of women in international courts.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2022). «Forskning viser…»: vitenskap og verdier i norske likestillingsutredninger.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2022). Demokrati og ekspertstyre. In Dons, Erlend M. & Skjerve, Kjetil Mangset (Ed.), Fellespensum for NTNU-ex.phil. høsten 2022. 2. prøveutgave. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 978-82-15-06322-5.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2022). Feminisme, historie og opplysning. Anmeldelse av The Geneaology of Feminist Thinking av Ingeborg W. Owesen. Agora. ISSN 0800-7136.
  • Fossheim, Hallvard & Holst, Cathrine (2022). Politicians and Experts: Revisiting the Epitactic Dimension of Statesmanship.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2021). Kunnskapsdemokrati?
  • Holst, Cathrine (2021). Epistemic worries about expertise: examples from advisory commissions.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2021). Nytt om NOUene.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2021). The Study of Expert Bodies.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2021). Den nordiske modell. Panelsamtale.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2021). Kontroll av eksperter.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2021). Flere eksperter = bedre politikk?
  • Holst, Cathrine (2021). Ekstern evaluering av konferanserapporter.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2021). Open Democracy. A Comment to Helene Landemore.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2021). Ekspertenes inntog og forskerens rolle og ansvar.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2021). Lay experts in Norwegian drug policy. Flash talk from PROMENTA Research Groups.
  • Pedersen, Willy; Holst, Cathrine & Fjell, Live Kjos (2021). Rusreformens nye eksperter. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116.
  • Teigen, Mari & Holst, Cathrine (2021). The boy problem in Swedish and Norwegian commission reports.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2021). Er Civita styrd av framande makter? Dag og Tid. ISSN 0803-334X.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2021). Ytringsfrihet og konsensus. Morgenbladet. ISSN 0805-3847.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2021). Panel om konspirasjonsteorier, UiO.
  • Holst, Cathrine (2021). God styring - ut fra hvilke kriterier?

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Published Jan. 4, 2023 10:23 AM - Last modified May 23, 2024 1:36 PM