

  • Jacqueline Tusi (Fribourg), ´Measuring the Difference Between Rhetoric and Sophistry in Plato’s Gorgias´, 14.15-16.00, GMH 452
  • Friday 22 March: Hallvard Fossheim (Bergen), "Statesmanship and Individuality", 14.15-16.00, GMH 452


  • Friday 24 August, Arnold Brooks (Chicago), "A Fault Line in Aristotle's Physics", 14.15-16.00 GMH 452
  • Friday 31 August, Mary Louise Gill (Brown), "Two Versions of Hylomorphism in Aristotle's Metaphysics", 14.15-16.00 GMH 452?
  • Agnes Callard´s Philosophical Seminar on "Value and Emotion"?, 12 Sept 14.15-16.00 GMH 452.
  • Agnes Callard will be speaking​ on "The Virtuous Spiral: Aristotle on Deliberation" at the Workshop in Ancient Philosophy this Friday at 14.15-16.00 (GMH 452).
  • Friday 14 December, Pål Rykkja Gilbert (Oslo) will deliver the last workshop paper of the semester on the subject of "Prohairesis in Aristotle's Ethics», 14.15-16.00, GMH 452.  
Published Jan. 15, 2024 10:55 AM - Last modified Jan. 15, 2024 10:55 AM