Norwegian version of this page

Children and Youth in a History of Ideas Perspective

We study conceptions of children and youth and ideas about how they should be educated, raised, shaped or engaged, in European and Norwegian history.

About the group

The group arises from the research project "Tiny Voices from the Past: New Perspectives on Childhood in Early Europe" which has been expanded and developed to focus on youth and include modern history as well.

This is an area of great societal relevance: youth, school and education must be considered among the significant societal challenges where the humanities and especially history of ideas can shed some important light cfr. the research program SAMKUL, The Research Council of Norway (RCN). In addition, it is a field that is very central in the new EKUL master program in European culture (focused on history of knowledge and text cultures).


As the head of a research group on childhood, Reidar Aasgaard led the large RCN-funded project: Tiny Voices from the Past: New Perspectives on Childhood in Early Europe.

This project was later expanded to include modern, Nordic childhood (Nordic Childhoods), with many of the same researchers, but also with new additions, from history of ideas: Ellen Krefting, Thor Inge Rørvik and Espen Schaanning.

This has resulted in three substantial anthologies, with contributions also from the IFIKK-researchers Eyjolfur Emilsson and Unn Falkeid.

Published Dec. 21, 2016 4:37 PM - Last modified Oct. 20, 2023 3:00 PM


Reidar Aasgaard
22 85 49 17


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