Practical Philosophy Seminar: Torbjörn Tännsjö (University of Stockholm)

"From Despotism to Democracy:

How a World Government Can Save Humanity"

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Abstract: Global existential problems are facing humanity. The only way to solve them is to rely on global legislation. I have earlier argued, in my book Global Democracy, that it must take the form of a global democracy. This is still desirable and a reasonable goal in the long run. However, time is short. Action is needed immediately. The reason that it must take the form of global legislation has to do with the tragedy of the commons. Sovereign nation states, each one driven by egoistic motives, are incapable of finding a joint solution. A typical problem is global heating. Global heating just like the prospects of an all-out nuclear war, or terrorists spreading deadly and highly contagious viruses, poses an existential threat to humanity. However, global heating is special in that it comes with a timeline. This means that it renders political action at some (last) point possible. There is no guarantee that necessary action will be forthcoming, and we should also consider the possibility that we fail. However, a global despotic government may save us. The establishment of such a government need not threaten existing national democracies (nor existing national despotisms) but it will deprive them of their sovereignty. Global democracy as a long-time goal will remain.

Torbjörn Tännsjö is professor at the University of Stockholm.

Published Feb. 16, 2024 9:05 AM - Last modified Mar. 9, 2024 7:34 PM