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Practical Philosophy Group

The Practical Philosophy Group is a network for research cooperation within four fields: Political and Legal Philosophy, Applied and Normative Ethics, History of Ethics and Political Philosophy, and Metaethics and Moral Psychology.

Group of people in a meeting. Photo.

About the Group

The group is an arena for research cooperation among researchers at UiO who work in the realm of ethics and practical philosophy, and collaborating researchers at other institutions in Norway and abroad. The current members belong to a great variety of academic fields within law studies, philosophy and social sciences.


The goal of the Practical Philosophy Group is to create a productive working environment for research collaboration on current research topics within the respective fields; to facilitate funding applications; and to organize regular and irregular research activities and events.

The regular meeting of the group, the Practical Philosophy Seminar, takes place on Thursdays from 12.15 to 13 in Room 452, Georg Morgenstiernes Hus, 4th floor (unless otherwise noted).


  • Political and Legal Philosophy
  • Applied and Normative Ethics
  • History of Ethics and Political Philosophy
  • Metaethics and Moral Psychology.

Projects by group members 

The group held its initial meeting in March 2016.


Published Nov. 25, 2016 10:31 AM - Last modified June 11, 2024 12:35 PM


Alejandra Mancilla, alejandra.mancilla[at]

Anna Smajdor, anna.smajdor[at]



Detailed list of participants