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Events - Page 13

Time and place: , GM 467 and Zoom

Talk by Błażej Skrzypulec, Space and the Limits of Perception

Time and place: , Georg Morgenstiernes Hus 652

C. Thi Nguyen (University of Utah) presents to the GoodAttention group on Value Collapse.

Time and place: , GM 452 or via zoom
Time and place: , GM452

“States, Cities, and the Admission of Refugees: Do Sub-State Collectives Have a Right to ‘Take Up the Slack’?”

Time and place: , Georg Morgenstiernes hus, Room 652 and On Zoom

Ansten Klev (Czech Academy of Sciences) will give a talk titled "Aczel's V and the notion of set"

Time and place: , Georg Morgenstiernes Hus 652

A talk by Gaia Belardinelli and Thomas Bolander

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus (Universitetsbiblioteket), Blindern, Auditorium 1

The 2022 Thoralf Skolem Memorial Lecture will be given by Harry Lewis, Gordon McKay Research Professor of Computer Science at Harvard University

Time and place: , On Zoom

Joan Rand Moschovakis  (Occidental College, emerita) will give a talk titled "Brouwer's Notion of Choice Sequence and its Descendants"

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus Undervisningsrom 1

Bjørn Hofmann (UiO, NTNU Gjøvik) er professor i medisinsk filosofi og etikk ved Senter for medisinsk etikk ved Det medisinske fakultet ved Universitetet i Oslo og ved Institutt for helsevitenskap ved NTNU Gjøvik. Han er utdannet innen teknologifag, idéhistorie, filosofi og etikk. Hofmann forsker og underviser innenfor medisinsk filosofi, helsefaglig etikk, vitenskapsteori, helsetjenesteforskning og teknologivurdering. Han er særlig opptatt av håndtering av teknologi generelt og av etiske aspekter ved helseteknologi spesielt. Hofmann har blant annet skrevet boken Hva er sykdom? i tillegg til en lang rekke vitenskapelige artikler og han deltar aktivt i samfunnsdebatten om ulike sider av helsetjenesten.

Time and place: , NHA Undervisningsrom 107

The DEVCOM team is organizing a 'Christmas Workshop on Developmental Pragmatics' on December 7th, and everyone is welcome to join! As special guests, we will be joined by Ira Noveck (CNRS, Paris 7) and Filippo Domaneschi (University of Genova). 


Time and place: , Georg Morgenstiernes hus 467

This is the fourth workshop on Kantian Foundations of Democracy. KanDem is the first large scale analysis of the democratic theory of the Kantian School in Germany in the 1790s. For more information about the project, please visit the project web page.

Time and place: , GMH Seminarrom 219

Sofie Lekve (IFIKK, UiO) presents "Who is IVF for?"

Time and place: , GM 452

PhD fellow Mary Beth Neff will present an overview of the proposed research for her article-based dissertation.

Time and place: , Aarhus University, Denmark

Establishing the Nordic Network for Philosophy of Physics

Time and place: , Georg Morgenstiernes Hus 652

Bahador Bahrami (Ludwig Maximilian Universität) presents to the GoodAttention group on "Inter-personal alignment of belief in decision making under uncertainty"

Time and place: , zoom

Our actions don’t just shape and transmit the rules, they create in each new generation mental processes that can grasp the rules and put them into action, claims professor Cecilia Heyes of Oxford University.

Time and place: , GMH Seminarrom 152

Matias Slavov (Tampere University, guest researcher at CPS) presents "The one-directionality of time does not entail a unique direction of time"

Time and place: , Georg Morgenstiernes Hus 652

Ned Block (New York University) presents to the GoodAttention group on "Nonconceptual Colo Perception"

Time and place: , Zoom

Part of the Oslo Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence talk series

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus, Undervisningsrom 2

Ole Jacob Madsen (f. 1978) er utdannet psykolog og filosof og jobber som professor i kultur- og samfunnspsykologi ved Psykologisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo. Hans forskning har særlig omhandlet hvordan psykologien utgjør et meningsrammeverk for det moderne menneskets liv. Han har tidligere utgitt bøkene Den terapeutiske kultur (2010/2017), "Det er innover vi må gå" (2014), Generasjon prestasjon (2018), Livsmestring på timeplanen (2020) og Skolevegringsmysteriet (sammen med Gaute Brochmann) (2022). 

Time and place: , GMH Seminarrom 152

Karen Crowther (CPS/IFIKK) will present "Consistency as a guide in scientific theory-development"

Time and place: , Georg Morgenstiernes Hus 652

Presentation by Austin Baker

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus Auditorium 2

Finnur Dellsén is a Professor II at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Lillehammer, in addition to being full-time Professor at the University of Iceland, Reykjavík. Most of his research interests are in philosophy of science and epistemology (including formal and social epistemology), with various related interests in philosophy of logic, metaethics, and the history of philosophy. His most recent work is on scientific and philosophical progress, the social epistemology of science, and how to make explanation-based inferences.

Time and place: , Ullveien 4, 0791 Oslo

The project on Kantian Foundations of Democracy holds its third workshop on October 11-12 at Voksenåsen hotel, Oslo.

Time and place: , zoom

Cathrine Holst (ISS/CPS) presents "Worries about philosopher experts".