
Time and place: , Arne Næss auditorium, Georg Morgenstiernes hus

The fourth Lorentz Dietrichson Lecture is given by Jessica Sjöholm Skrubbe, Assistant Professor and Lecturer in Art History at Stockholm University.

Time and place: , Georg Morgenstiernes Hus, Room 452

In this DynamiTE lunchtime seminar, Laÿna Droz will be presenting her paper on "Conceptual ping-pong: Environmental discourses and identity politics in Asia".

Time and place: , Room 652, Georg Morgenstierne's House, Blindern

Gender Expansive Philosophy (GEP) invites all philosophy students and staff to a seminar! 

Time and place: , Georg Morgenstiernes hus 652
Time and place: , GMH 452
Time and place: , Georg Morgenstiernes Hus, Room 452

In this DynamiTE lunchtime seminar, Teea Kortetmäki will be presenting her paper on ‘Cohabitability and land use’.

Time and place: , GM 452 and Zoom

This lecture aims to introduce and discuss the important and fruitful connection between social epistemology and critical theory to understand forms of injustice.

Time and place: , Georg Morgenstiernes Hus, Room 452

In this DynamiTE lunchtime seminar, Jamie Draper will be presenting his paper ‘Climate Change and Territorial Sovereignty’.

Time and place: , Room 452, Georg Morgenstiernes Hus/zoom

Visa A. J. Kurki (University of Helsinki) will present his article 'Can nature hold rights?: It's not as easy as you think'

Time and place: , GM 652 & via Zoom

Reading Armenian History as a Socially Symbolic Act

Nicholas S.M. Matheou (University of Edinburgh)

Time and place: , GM 452 or via zoom