The Ancient Greek Binding Domain

Isak Hærem (University of Oslo)

Master student in Ancient Greek Isak Hærem presents his master thesis project.

Abstract: Binding theory deals with what noun phrases go where. Sometimes we have a proper noun, at others a non-reflexive pronoun, and still others a reflexive one. This behaviour is what binding theory deals with, and a part of this is played by the binding domain. The binding domain in Ancient Greek is not sufficiently well understood. Due to what the Cambridge Grammar of Ancient Greek calls indirect reflexivity, we might think that the binding domain is the finite clause, but this is insufficient to explain the behaviour of pronouns in Ancient Greek. Finding a better definition will be the focus of my thesis.


Anastasia Maravela
Published Apr. 3, 2023 11:18 AM - Last modified Apr. 16, 2023 3:06 PM