A Voyage to the Otherworld: A Comparative Analysis of the Irish Immram Máile Dúin and the Latin Navigatio Brendani

Erlend Myklebust (University of Oslo)

Abstract: Erlend Myklebust presents his Master thesis, which aims to examine the relationship between the two medieval texts, the Navigatio Sancti Brendani, written in Latin, and Immram Máile Dúin, written in the Irish vernacular, through a comparative analysis of the texts’ contents. The two texts share a great number of motifs and episodes, and it has generally been recognised that they are related in some way, although there has been some debate concerning the nature and direction of this relationship. This relationship will be the focus of this thesis.


Anastasia Maravela
Published Apr. 3, 2023 11:20 AM - Last modified June 11, 2024 12:37 PM