Travelling to fantastic lands with Lucian and Holberg

Valentina Orrù (University of Pavia)

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Illustration by Nicolai Abildgaard and Jens Juel, from the 1789 edition of Holberg's novel.

Valentina Orrù presents her master thesis: 

Abstract: Humans have been picturing alternative worlds and dreaming of different realities for centuries.

Lucian of Samosata wrote A True Story about a journey to imaginary countries in the 2nd century CE; sixteen centuries later, Ludvig Holberg did the same and accepted the legacy by composing Niels Klim's Underground Travels. But how does an 18th century fantasy novel written in Latin preserve its Greek ancestor? This presentation aims to give a preliminary examination of the reception and the relationship between the two authors by focusing on some episodes, structures and sources of the two narratives.


Anastasia Maravela
Published Apr. 3, 2023 11:18 AM - Last modified Apr. 15, 2023 11:11 AM