
Time and place: , Zoom

Every historian operates deliberately or unknowingly with a spatial and emotional context. However, spaces and emotions are elusive concepts that are difficult to distinguish. This seminar hopes to make these perspectives less obscure. By discussing the participants’ research projects in relation to these theories, theoretical questions will be considered such as: How can we study emotions and spaces in history? What is the relation between spaces and places, as well as emotions and affections? How do discourses on spaces and emotions change over time and how do these concepts interact with each other?


IFIKK is organizing a PhD course on "Automaticity and Control: Philosophical and Empirical Perspectives". The course will take place every Monday from 15 to 17 (CEST), from the 14th of September to the 19th of October. All the classes will be on Zoom. The course will be taught by Prof. Wayne Wu (Carnegie Mellon University).

The primary audience for this course are PhD students in philosophy. PhD students from neighbouring disciplines are welcome after approval by the instructor. PhD students from other universities are invited to attend this course (though be aware that space is limited; see below). It will be possible to obtain 5 ECTS credits by attending the seminars and fulfilling the prescribed activities.



Time and place: , Univerersity of Oslo

The course is cancelled, but will hopefully be rescheduled for a later date.

This course will provide a general introduction to the main approaches within just war theory and explore in detail several contested issues under debate. Instructors will be Professor Jeff McMahan (Oxford), Lars Christie (Oxford, Oslo), Greg Reichberg (PRIO).