DynamiTE Lunchtime Seminar: Cara Nine

In this DynamiTE seminar, Cara Nine will present her paper "Justice and Shared Use of Common Goods"

Image may contain: Lip, Shoulder, Jaw, Neck, Sleeve.

Cara Nine is a Professor in Philosophy at the University of Reno, Nevada and author of Global Justice and Territory (OUP 2012) and Sharing Territories (OUP 2022).

Title: Justice and Shared Use of Common Goods

Abstract: This paper analyzes how justice applies to the rights that people have to a shared resource, like freshwater. I discuss an application of the proviso that one must engage with the commons in ways that leaves ‘enough and as good’ in common for others. One upshot of my argument is that shared resources, especially shared between different communities or nations, must be carefully managed by all sharing parties. This interpretation of this proviso can have far-reaching implications for environmental and resource development.

Image may contain: Font, Rectangle, Electric blue, Pattern, Circle.

'DynamiTE lunchtime seminars' are a part of the project 'Dynamic Territories'. This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 948964).

A link will distributed in the Dynamic Territory list to those interested in attending this event digitally, to join the list contact patrik.baard[a]ifikk.uio.no.


Published Nov. 14, 2023 2:34 PM - Last modified Nov. 29, 2023 1:38 PM