Postdoc Position Studying Social Norms for Attention

Another Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at GOODATTENTION! This position is specifically connected to subproject 2, which looks at the social dimension of attention, and the social norms that may govern it. It studies the function of attention sharing and coordination in social interaction and the emergence of social norms. It investigates the emergence of social norms of attention, if any, that guide social interactions.

Image may contain: Orange, Vision care, Sunglasses, Gesture, Eyewear.

The candidate is expected to present a research project closely connected to this subproject, and work in the areas of philosophy of cognitive science, philosophy of science or philosophy of economics in order to investigate the emergence of social norms with an application to attention. The candidate is expected to have some expertise in decision theory and game theory. Given the formal and mathematical character of some of the relevant literature, a strong background in computational and formal methods will be considered an advantage. 

The position is available for a period of 2 years.

The candidate will be situated in a strong, lively and supportive research environment, both at the GOODATTENTION project itself, the related SalientSolutions project, as well as relevant research groups, such as the Oslo Mind Group, or the Centre for Philosophy and the Sciences,  the Logic Group, or Pragmatics: Theory and Experiments.

The applicant is expected to develop a project description, which must be submitted as a part of the application. 

The candidate will have the opportunity also to make use of the international advisory board associated with GOODATTENTION, for research interactions, research visits, or other forms of collaboration.

See here for some more details about this subproject and its relation to GOODATTENTION as a whole.

For more about the position and to apply click here

Published Oct. 13, 2021 4:32 PM - Last modified Sep. 11, 2022 9:44 AM