

Time and place: , Room 652, Georg Morgenstiernes hus

The ocean is a site of ongoing transformations: at the surface, in the water column, and on the seabed. How can we research economic, technological, visual, and intellectual transformations of the sea, and how can we approach them historically?

Time and place: , Fondation Maison des Sciences de L'Homme (FMSH), 54 Boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris

Workshop, in collaboration with The Norwegian University Centre in Paris (NUCP)

Time and place: , GM652

Workshop, Oslo

Time and place: , Georg Morgenstiernes hus, room 652

Helen Rozwadowski will talk about "Visualizing the Undersea: Science, Technology and Imagination in Nineteenth-Century Representations". 

Time and place: , Room 652, Georg Morgenstiernes Hus

Sabine Höhler, professor of Science and Technology Studies at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, will present her research on the history of modern ocean knowledge

Time and place: , Georg Morgenstiernes Hus

Oslo / Zoom, Wednesday 8 – Thursday 9 June 2022