Attention Ethics: a Digital Learning Resource

Our digital devices threaten our attention daily. What problems does this distraction pose to individuals? To society?

Katharine Browne, from Salient Solutions, has developed a new learning resource: It aims to introduce students at the high school age and up to some of the ethical issues about attention and digital media.

As far as I know this is  the first textbook style introduction to the ethics of attention online. I hope it will be useful to teachers and students.  Katharine kept it pretty short and sweet.

We are planning to keep developing There is lots more to say and the academic literature on these topics especially in philosophy is rapidly evolving. So, there will be additions of various kinds coming soon and we’re already working on translations into Norwegian and German.

Tags: Digital media, Attention, Digital og hybrid undervisning, Digital materials, Ethics, Ethics and Moral Philosophy, Social media By Sebastian Watzl
Published Nov. 6, 2023 8:03 AM - Last modified Nov. 6, 2023 8:03 AM