KanDem Workshop

The project on Kantian Foundations of Democracy holds its first workshop on February 11, 2022, in Georg Morgenstiernes hus, room 652 on Blindern Campus. The workshop will not be zoomed.

Image may contain: Textile, Sleeve, Standing, Gesture, Art.

Illustration: Kazimir Malevich, Sportsmen, 1931 (State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg)


10:15-10:30: Coffee

10:30-10:45 Book launch: Reidar Maliks, "Kant and the French Revolution". Free download at CUP.

10:45-12:15 Feroz Mehmood Shah: "A step closer to perfection. Is there a Kantian duty to Promote Education?"

12:15-13:15 Lunch

13:15-14:45 Toshiro Osawa: "Right and Virtue Reconsidered: Baumgarten and Kant"

14:45-15:15 Coffee

15:15-16:45 Reidar Maliks:  “Tout Court: Kant on Domestic, International, and Cosmopolitan Courts”

16:45-17:00 Concluding conversation

The workshop is open to all, but please write to the organizer if you would like to participate. Papers are available to participants upon request. Workshop organizer: reidar.maliks@ifikk.uio.no. Kantian Foundations of Democracy is sponsored by The Research Council of Norway. Project number: 324272.

Published Apr. 23, 2022 4:18 PM - Last modified Apr. 23, 2022 4:18 PM