KanDem Workshop 3

The project on Kantian Foundations of Democracy holds its third workshop on October 11-12 at Voksenåsen hotel, Oslo.


11. October

10:00-11:00 Toshiro Osawa: "Baumgarten’s Legacy in Kant’s Ethics"

11:00-12:00 Chiara Mosti: title TBD

Lunch 13:00-14:00

14:00-15:00 Elisabeth Widmer: "J. B. Erhard’s ‘Dynamic Principle of Justice’ and its Capitalism-Critical Potential"

15:00-16:00 Michael Kryluk, "Respublica Noumenon: Kant’s Platonic Republic and the Metaphysics of Reformism"

16:00-16:30 Break

16:30-17:30 Feroz Shah: title TBD

12. October

10:00-11:00 Reidar Maliks: "Kant and Bergk on Democracy's Foundation"

11:00-12:00 Elisabeth Widmer: "Economic Dependency, Citizenship, and Kant’s Bourgeois Classicism"

12:00 Lunch

The workshop is supported by the Research Council of Norway and the Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas, University of Oslo. Organiser: KanDem. Contact: reidar.maliks@ifikk.uio.no

Published Oct. 8, 2022 9:34 PM - Last modified Oct. 8, 2022 9:34 PM