Climate, Temporality and Economic Improvement. The Case of Eighteenth-Century Iceland

Join us for a discussion of how ideas about climate and temporality affected enlightened reform in the Eighteenth Century. Jón Kristinn Einarsson (University of Chicago) and Arendse Wenzel Måge (IFIKK, UiO) will present their work on the case of Iceland.

Bildet kan inneholde: kart, verden, organisme, kunst, rektangel.

The seminar will start with the two following presentations:

Jón Kristinn Einarsson (PhD-student, University of Chicago): Climate, Energy, and Improvement in the North Atlantic: The Iceland Expedition of Eggert Ólafsson and Bjarni Pálsson, 1752–1757


Arendse Wenzel Måge (PhD-student, IFIKK, UiO): "Saving Iceland from the Brink of Ruin: Climate, History, and Human Agency in Skúli Magnússon's restoration plan (1751)".


Each presentation will be about 20-25 minutes. When they are finished there will be time for questions. Those interested in participating can send an e-mail to hakon.evju (at)


Emneord: Opplysningstid, Idehistorie, Dansketiden, Island
Publisert 12. mai 2024 17:46 - Sist endret 12. mai 2024 17:46