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Archive in Motion (avsluttet)

Hva skjer med det kollektive minnet når de tradisjonelle arkivene møter en ny mediekultur basert på kontinuerlig overføring og umiddelbar tilgjengelighet?

Filmrull. Foto.

Detalj fra Simon Starlings Wilhelm Noack OHG, 2006. Rustfritt stål, filmprojektor, 35 mm film i loop, lys, lyd. Making Worlds, 53. Venezia biennale, 2009.

Om prosjektet

Archive in Motion (AiM) undersøkte hvordan arkivbegreper og arkiveringspraksiser forandres under påtrykk fra de dramatiske endringene i skrift- og lagringsteknologier det siste århundret, og særlig etter innføringen av digitale teknologier.

Film, video, fjernsyn, lydopptak og datamaskiner har ikke bare bidratt til en generell lagringsmani, men også en rekke nye private og offentlige arkiveringsformer. Samtidig utfordrer slike teknologier tradisjonelle begreper om arkivdokumentets varighet og stabilitet.

Dette åpner for en rekke nye spørsmål om hva det vil si å lagre informasjon for fremtidig bruk.


Prosjektet var et samarbeid mellom:





Publikasjoner 2016

Ina Blom, Trond Lundemo, Eivind Røssaak (eds.) Memory in Motion. Archives, Technology and the Social, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2016

Ina Blom, The Autobiography of Video. The Life and Times of a Memory Technology. New York: Sternberg Press, 2016

Publikasjoner 2013

Ina Blom: “The Autobiography of Video. Towards a Revisionist History of Video Art”.Critical Inquiry, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 276-295

Ina Blom: “Social Signals. On Aldo Tambellini”, Artforum International, vol. 51, nr. 15, s. 67-68

Ina Blom: “Weather Channel”. Artforum International, , vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 378-381

Ina Blom: “Becoming Video: Memory and the Prehension of Painting”. NJP Reader #4, pp. 21-34

Ina Blom: “Video, Autobiography and the Technologies of Self-Monitoring Life”. In Psychopathologies of Cognitive Capitalism, Part Two, eds. Warren Neidich and Matteo Pasquinelli (Berlin: Archive Books), pp. 34-47

Publikasjoner 2012

Yngvil Beyer: “Using DiscoverText for Large Scale Twitter Harvesting”, Microform and Digitization Review, vol. 41, nr. 3

Yngvil Beyer: “Bevaring av film fra Internett”, NB21, no. 1, p. 55

Yngvil Beyer: “@jensstoltenberg talte til oss på Twitter”, in Viden i Spil, eds. Hans Jørn Nielsen et. al. (Frederiksberg: Forlaget Samfundsliteratur)

Ina Blom: “Inhabiting the Technosphere: Art and Technology beyond Technical Invention”. In Contemporary Art: 1989 to the Presenteds. Alexander Dumbadze and Suzanne Hudson (New York: Wiley-Blackwell)

Ina Blom: “The More Things Change: The Art of Roman Ondák”, Artforum International, vol. 50, no. 10, pp. 280–288

Ina Blom: “Muntadas's Mediascapes”. In Muntadas. Entre/Between, ed. Daina Augaitis, (Barcelona:  Actar), pp. 67–95

Trond Lundemo: “A Temporal Perspective: Jean Epstein’s Writings on Technics and Subjectivity”. In  Jean Epstein: Critical Essays and New Translations, eds.  Sarah Keller and Jason N. Paul (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press), pp. 207–225

Trond Lundemo: “Quoting Motion: The Frame, the Shot and Digital Video”. In Film, Art, New Media: The Museum Without Walls? Ed. Angela Dalle Vacche (London: Palgrave Macmillan), pp. 97–114

Trond Lundemo:  “Lost in Translation? On the Diverging Responses to the Question  Concerning Technology”, NECSUS European Journal of Media Studies, no.1

Trond Lundemo: “Conversion, Convergence, Conflation; Archival Networks in the Digital Turn”. In The Archive, eds. Alessandro Bordina, Sonia Campanini and Andrea Mariani (Udine: Università degli studi/Forum), pp. 177-182

Trond Lundemo: “Planetens arkiv i massens tidsalder”. In Norge i farger: Bilder fra Albert Kahns verdensarkiv, eds. Trond Bjorli and Kjetil Jacobsen (Oslo: Press forlag), pp. 217–230

Eivind Røssaak: “The Mediated City: Oslo or Los Angeles”, Wuxia, no 1/2, pp. 72–83  

Publikasjoner 2011

Ina Blom: “Moving Images and the New Collectivity,” in Between Stillness and Motion: Film, Photography, Algorithm, ed. Eivind Røssaak (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press), pp. 137–156

Ina Blom: “Spectacle versus Cinematographic Subject,” in Cognitive Architecture. From Biopolitics to Noopolitics, eds. D. Hauptmann and W. Neidich (Rotterdam: 010 Publishers), pp. 368–386

Ina Blom: “Videosociality: Rethinking Social Memory in 1970's Video Art,”, in Cornerstones, eds. J. A. Gaitan, N. Schafhausen and M. Szewczyk (New York: Sternberg Press), pp. 71–93

Liv Hausken: “Tverrfaglig Drama i Rettssalen Cross-disciplinary Drama in the Courtroom”, Kunstkritikk (September/November 2011)

Trond Lundemo: “The Archives of the Planet and Montage: The Movement of the Crowd and the Rhythm of Life,” in Between Stillness and Motion: Film, Photography, Algorithm, ed. Eivind Røssaak, (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press), pp. 205–222

Trond Lundemo: “Filmen och gesternas kartläggning,” Glänta 1, pp. 75–81.

Trond Lundemo:  “The Image at Work (On the Movement of the Body),” in Image at Work, ed. H. Holmberg and G. Zachia, (Stockholm: Oei editör), pp. 85–95

Trond Lundemo: “Manifestets projektioner,” FLM 12 (Stockholm), pp. 44–47

Eivind Røssaak: “Acts of Delay: The Play Between Stillness and Motion in Tom, Tom, the Piper’s Son,” in Optic Antics: The Cinema of Ken Jacobs, eds. P. Arthur, D. James and M. Pierson (Oxford: Oxford University Press), pp. 96–107

Eivind Røssaak: "Algorithmic Culture: Beyond the Photo/Film Divide," in Between Stillness and Motion: Film, Photography, Algorithm, ed. Eivind Røssaak (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press), pp. 187–203

Eivind Røssaak (ed.): Between Stillness and Motion: Film, Photography, Algorithms (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press)

Eivind Røssaak: "Billeddannelsens problem: Om Jan Knutzens essayfilmer," in Norsk avantgarde, eds. B. Børseth and P. Bäckström (Oslo: Novus forlag), pp. 213-227

Eivind Røssaak: "Filmens urbilder," Kunstkritikk (January)

Eivind Røssaak: "The Still/Moving Field: An Introduction," in Between Stillness and Motion: Film, Photography, Algorithm, ed. Eivind Røssaak (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press), pp. 11–24

Eivind Røssaak: "Teknikk og dannelse: Et forsøk på å analysere medieteknikker som en blindflekk innen dannelsestenkningen," in Dannelse: Tenkning, modning, refleksjon, eds. B. Hagtvet and G. Ognjenovic (Oslo: Dreyer), pp. 163-362

Bok: The Archive in Motion (2010)

Eivind Røssaak (ed.): The Archive in Motion: New Conceptions of the Archive in Contemporary Thought and New Media Practices. Oslo: Novus Press, 2010

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Publisert 24. aug. 2020 09:51 - Sist endret 26. jan. 2021 14:53


Ina Blom


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