Thomas Morcom

Bilde av Thomas Patrick Morcom
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Rom 0639
Besøksadresse Blindernveien 31 Georg Morgenstiernes hus 0313 Oslo
Postadresse Postboks 1020 Blindern 0315 Oslo

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Utvalgte publikasjoner


Structuring Disruption: The Þættir in the Sagas of Kings. Monograph in preparation with Oxford University Press.


Editions and Translations

Þorgríms þáttr Hallasonar, Hrafns þáttr Guðrúnarsonar, and Gísls þáttr Illu-gasonar, The Northern Medieval World: On the Margins of Europe (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023), Forthcoming.


Journal Articles

with Helen Gittos, ‘The Cerne Giant in its Early-Medieval Context’, Speculum, Forthcoming.

‘Agape and the Antichrist: Soteriological and Eschatological Masculinities in the Homilies of Wulfstan,’ in 'Deconstructing Masculinities in Old English Literatures', a special edition of English Studies, Forthcoming. 

'Crying Out for Two Lords: Sex and Supplication in Wulf and Eadwacer’, Leeds Medieval Studies, 2 (2022), 1-18.

‘Insult and Insight: Skarpheðinn’s Performance at the alþingi.’ Viking and Medieval Scandinavia, 16 (2020), 158-180.

‘After Adulthood: The Metamorphoses of the Elderly in the Íslendingasögur.’ Saga-Book 42, (2018), 25–50.


Chapters in Edited Collections

 ‘Hobbled Shieldmaidens and Shapeshifting Kings: The Flexibility of the Fantastic in Bósa saga ok Herrauðs’, in Rebecca Merkelbach, ed., Storyworlds and Worldbuilding in Medieval European Literature, Medieval Texts and Cultures of Northern Europe (Turnhout: Brepols), Forthcoming.

‘None so Blind as those that will not See: Blindness, Wisdom, and Incomprehension in Morkinskinna’, in Anna Katharina Heiniger, Rebecca Merkelbach, Alexander Wilson, eds., Þáttasyrpa – Studien zu Literatur, Kultur und Sprache in Nordeuropa. (Beiträge zur nordischen Philologie, Bd. 71, 2022), 209-218.

‘Inclusive Masculinity in Morkinskinna and the Defusal of Kingly Aggression,’ in Gareth Lloyd Evans and Jessica Hancock, eds., Masculinities in Old Norse Literature, ed. (Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, 2020), 127–146.


Book Reviews

Review of: Massimiliano Bampi, Carolyne Larrington, Sif Rikhardsdottir, eds, A Critical Companion to Old Norse Literary Genre, in Apardjón Journal for Scandinavian Studies, 3 (2022), Forthcoming.

Review of: Charles MacQuarrie and Joseph Falaky Nagy, eds, The Medieval Cultures of the Irish Sea and the North Sea, in Island Studies, 16.1 (2021), 345-95.

Review of: Haki Antonsson, Damnation and Salvation in Old Norse Literature, in Saga-Book, 43, (2019) 174-175.


Popular Publications

‘The Cerne Abbas Hermit?’ History Workshop Online. 20.05.2021.

Publisert 3. okt. 2022 10:46 - Sist endret 12. okt. 2022 11:49