Åmund Norum Resløkken

Image of Åmund Norum Resløkken
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Room 411
Visiting address Niels Henrik Abels vei 36 P. A. Munchs hus 0371 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1010 Blindern 0315 Oslo

Academic interests

My research is oriented towards how research objects are created and how they transfer and translate knowledge about culture between places and through time. I have worked with Actor-Network Theory and the narratological foundation it rests on, searching for the connections between ANT and narrative theory with regards to culture studies, and how it can shed light on the research objects of cultural history.

I am part of the NFR-project Bodies in Translation, and is currently researching how non-human actors are understood, and how they translate cultural historical knowledge in present day sustainability discourse.   


Courses taught


I have a masters degree in cultural history at UiO with the thesis Da Lucifers lenke ble Åsamøyens bånd: om endring av forståelsen av magiske kunster fra bruk til forskningsobjekt, sett gjennom en svartebok fra Jeløya (NFS M.M. 106 I) about the differing understandings of a Black book from the beginning of the 19th Century, from its authors perspective and as a folkloristic research object. 

In my Phd thesis, Ein lut av det nære levande livet" : tradisjon, tradisjonselement og tradisjonsforskere : en studie av spørrelisteserien Ord og sed 1934-1947, I studied the construction of research objects meant for cultural historical research. The project was an analysis of the questionnaire series Ord og sed (Words and Custom), issued as a journal between 1934 and 1947. The questionnaires were meant to gather information on Norwegian folk tradition and the words, stories, things and practices that were seen as part of it. I have written about in what way the texts of the questionnaires relate folk tradition. I focused on how these texts constructed "objectivized" words, stories, things and practices that could become elements of a uniform "folk tradition".   

I was a postdoctoral fellow on the HEI: Heritage Experience Initiative, in the working group Digital heritage. My research project focused on the use of digital tools in order to narrate, disseminate and promote heritage. The project especially explored how digital tools are used as part of Vestfold county's efforts for promoting vikings and the viking age, and how digital tools here affect the dissemination of vikings and the viking age as cultural heritage.

The aim of the project was to better understand how different groups and actors narrate cultural heritage and the opportunities digital multimedia tools gives for narrating cultural heritage in new ways. The project sought to contribute to the understanding of how cultural heritage is used in our society and how it affects our view on, and our use of, the past in the present.  





  • Borges Rau Steuernagel, Carolina; Resløkken, Åmund Norum & Lillehagen, Ida (2024). On Becoming Microbes and People with Texts. Moving Academic Writing Toward Responsible Agency, The Sociology of Translation and the Politics of Sustainability, Explorations Across Cultures and Natures . Routledge. ISSN 9781003285038. p. 112–138. doi: 10.4324/9781003285038-8. Full text in Research Archive
  • Resløkken, Åmund Norum (2024). Nature Spirits and Non-humans. Symmetry and Translations of Genre in New Animism, The Sociology of Translation and the Politics of Sustainability Explorations Across Cultures and Natures. Routledge. ISSN 9781032257914. p. 86–111. doi: 10.4324/9781003285038-7. Full text in Research Archive
  • Resløkken, Åmund Norum & Ødemark, John (2024). Narrating Non-Human Agency The ‘ANT Account’ and the Literary Prehistory of the Actant, The Sociology of Translation and the Politics of Sustainability Explorations Across Cultures and Natures. Routledge. ISSN 9781032257914. p. 65–86. doi: https:/doi.org/10.4324/9781003285038.
  • Resløkken, Åmund Norum (2022). Objects, traditions, and the hermeneutics of Viking heritage. Nordisk Museologi. ISSN 1103-8152. 34(2), p. 56–72. doi: 10.5617/nm.10071. Full text in Research Archive
  • Resløkken, Åmund Norum; Henrichsen, Gina Fraas & Ødemark, John (2022). "Once Upon a Time" Fairytales and the Translation of Mindfulness in Whereever you go, There You Are. Ethnologia Scandinavica. A Journal for Nordic Ethnology. ISSN 0348-9698. 52, p. 132–144. Full text in Research Archive
  • Resløkken, Åmund Norum (2021). The Soul of the Arctic: David Cranz's Account of the Religion or Superstitions of the Greenlanders and its Impact on Nineteenth-Century Descriptions of Religion in Greenland . In Jensz, Felicity & Petterson, Christina (Ed.), Legacies of David Cranz's 'Historie von Grönland' (1765). Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-030-63997-6. p. 185–205. doi: https:/doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-63998_9.
  • Resløkken, Åmund Norum (2020). ‘Djevelens finger’ – en forbannelses iscenesettelse på Hamar. Tidsskrift for kulturforskning. ISSN 1502-7473. 19(2), p. 67–86. Full text in Research Archive
  • Resløkken, Åmund Norum (2020). Crystallized Belief. Objects of Tradition in Folklife Research in the Inter-War Years . Ethnologia Scandinavica. A Journal for Nordic Ethnology. ISSN 0348-9698. 50, p. 5–20. Full text in Research Archive
  • Resløkken, Åmund Norum (2018). Capturing the Christmas goat: The collection of folk customs in three questionnaires in the early twentieth century. In Harvilahti, Lauri; Kjus, Audun; O'Carroll, Clíona; Österlund-Pötzsch, Susanne; Skott, Fredrik & Treija, Rita (Ed.), Visions and Traditions. Knowledge Prodution and Tradition Archives. Academia Scientiarum Fennica. ISSN 978-951-41-1126-6. p. 101–121.
  • Resløkken, Åmund Norum (2018). Troen på folketro. Perspektiver fra ANT i folkloristisk forskning. Tidsskrift for kulturforskning. ISSN 1502-7473. 17(2), p. 27–43. Full text in Research Archive
  • Resløkken, Åmund Norum (2016). En litteraturoversikt over den tidlige skandinaviske herrnhutismen. In Wachenfeldt, Per von & Ahlberger, Christer (Ed.), Den glömda kyrkan; om Herrnhutismen i Skandinavien. Artos & Norma bokförlag. ISSN 978-91-7580-796-6. p. 163–181.
  • Ødemark, John & Resløkken, Åmund Norum (2015). I korndemonens bilde – antropologisk erkjennelse, materialitet og temporalitet i utstillingen av «gammel folketro» på Norsk folkemuseum (1938). Tidsskrift for kulturforskning. ISSN 1502-7473. 14(2), p. 62–86.
  • Resløkken, Åmund Norum (2014). «Svarteboka» – En ældgammel skreven bog fra det 13. aarhundrede. Forhandlinger om opprinnelse og forfatterskap. In Esborg, Line & Johannsen, Dirk (Ed.), "En vild endevending av al virkelighet" - Norsk Folkeminnesamling i hundre år. Novus Forlag. ISSN 978-82-7099-772-5. p. 197–206.

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  • Ødemark, John; Resløkken, Åmund Norum; Lillehagen, Ida & Engebretsen, Eivind (2024). The Sociology of Translation and the Politics of Sustainability, Explorations Across Cultures and Natures . Routledge. ISBN 9781003285038. 240 p.
  • Ødemark, John; Resløkken, Åmund Norum; Lillehagen, Ida & Engebretsen, Eivind (2024). The Sociology of Translation and the Politics of Sustainability Explorations Across Cultures and Natures. Routledge. ISBN 9781032257914. 240 p.

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  • Resløkken, Åmund Norum & Askheim, Clemet (2024). Aktør-Nettverksteori (ANT) som tekst og fortelling – en kritikk.
  • Resløkken, Åmund Norum (2023). Aktanter, ikke-menneskelige aktører og animisme som relasjonell modell for bærekraft.
  • Resløkken, Åmund Norum (2023). "New Animism" and translations of non-human actors as model for a sustainable future.
  • Resløkken, Åmund Norum (2020). Bokmelding: Ane Ohrvik 2018. Medicine, Magic and Art in Early Modern Norway. Conceptualizing Knowledge. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 302s. Tidsskrift for kulturforskning. ISSN 1502-7473. 19(1), p. 138–141.
  • Resløkken, Åmund Norum (2019). Djevelens finger, eller å stille ut en forbannelse, Fra kaupang til bygd 2019. Hedmarkens gjenstandskultur. Anno museum, avdeling Domkirkeodden. ISSN 978-82-91326-32-0. p. 104–119.
  • Resløkken, Åmund Norum (2013). "Den gloende jernring og helvides aander"; Johan Brunsmands tolkning av preternaturlige fenomener. Fortid. ISSN 1504-1913. p. 72–77.
  • Resløkken, Åmund Norum (2018). "Ein lut av det nære levande livet". Tradisjon, tradisjonselementer og tradisjonsforskere. En studie av spørrelisteserien Ord og sed 1934-1947. 07 Gruppen. Full text in Research Archive

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Published Mar. 5, 2020 1:20 PM - Last modified Jan. 25, 2023 1:04 PM