Jomy Joseph

Postdoctoral Fellow - Environmental Humanities
Image of Jomy Joseph
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Visiting address P.A Munchs hus Niels Henrik Abels vei 36 0371 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1010 Blindern 0315 Oslo


I am an Industrial designer and Postdoctoral Researcher with wide ranging interests from futures, sustainability, technology, ecology, politics and culture. I enjoy exploring the intersections of designing for long-term sustainability and seriously playing with radically hopeful futures just because one can. Of course in the context of climate breakdown it is also pertinent that Design as a discipline and designers pursue a transformative praxis and articulate the necessary response to the catastrophic climate dystopias of the everyday now that is unfolding upon the majority world. To this end, my research focus applies a systematic, generative, Research by/through Design inquiry exploring alternative, concrete utopias articulated through Speculative Industrial Design propositions, by the making and fabricated artifacts, design fictions, exhibitions and research publications.

My professional trajectory has been through many paths, some less travelled than others. I was trained as a Civil Engineer (Bachelors) at Calicut University, India after which I pursued a Masters in Industrial Design at the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India. Over the next few years I was working professionally in India across multiple disciplines as an industrial designer, communication designer and UX designer. I then proceeded to pursue an MA in Industrial Design at The Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO), Norway. I joined the four year PhD program and successfully defended my PhD thesis in 2023 titled, ReFuturing Studies: Rehumanizing Futures through/by Design.

I intend to develop this body of work and explore the many what-if scenarios, generatively of course, where Industrial Design can be a potent propositional tool to open the possibilties of refuturing and rehumanizing systems, structures and materialities that defuture and dehumanize now manifest rather glaringly in the material and ecological consequences of climate breakdown that our designed culture of the few has brought onto the many and which collectively further entrench the unsustainability of everyday life. In this essence my research focus is to look at designing for alternative nows by reclaiming and radically reimagining the present such that the future is completely different when we arrive in it.


Tags: Industrial Design, ReFuturing, Research through/by Design, Design Research, Climate Change, Futures, Sustainability


Joseph, J. (2023a). ReFuturing Studies: Rehumanizing Futures through/by Design [Doctoral thesis, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design].
Joseph, J. (2023b). The Open Journal of ReFuturing 2131AD [Design Fiction (Doctoral Thesis), The Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO)].
Edeholt, H., & Joseph, J. (2022). Design disciplines in the age of climate change: Systemic views on current and potential roles. DRS Biennial Conference Series.
Edeholt, H., Joseph, J., & Xia, N. (2021). Walk the Talk: Towards an ecological futures framework for our designed  cultures. Design Culture(s). Cumulus Conference Proceedings Roma 2021, Volume #2, 2, 3863–3877.
Joseph, J. (2021). ReFuturing Studio: Designing Long-term Sustainability for the Biosphere. Curriculum for Climate Agency: Design (in)Action. 2021 ACSAA/EAAE Teachers Conference.
Joseph, J. (2019). Critical Futures Today: Back-casting Speculative Product Design towards Long Term Sustainability. Designing Sustainability for All, 3, 904–909.
Joseph, J. (2018). Speculative Solar: Towards long term futures and sustainability [Masters Diploma Thesis, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design].
  • Edeholt, Håkan & Joseph, Jomy (2022). Design disciplines in the age of climate change: Systemic views on current and potential roles. Proceedings of DRS. ISSN 2398-3132. doi: 10.21606/drs.2022.365.

View all works in Cristin

  • Edeholt, Håkan; Joseph, Jomy & Xia, Nan (2021). Walk the talk: Towards an ecological futures framework for our designed cultures.
  • Joseph, Jomy (2019). Critical Futures Today: Back-casting speculative product design towards long-term sustainability.
  • Joseph, Jomy (2023). ReFuturing Studies : Rehumanizing Futures through/by Design. Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo. ISSN 978-82-547-0360-1.

View all works in Cristin

Published Aug. 29, 2023 11:06 AM - Last modified Sep. 22, 2023 8:21 PM