Amna Mahmood

Doctoral Research Fellow
Image of Amna Mahmood
Norwegian version of this page
Room 316
Visiting address P.A. Munchs hus Niels Henrik Abels vei 36 0371 OSLO
Postal address Postboks 1010 Blindern 0315 OSLO

Academic interests

I have a background in religious studies and history, with specialization in Islam, Judaism and the modern history of the Middle East/Southwest Asia and North Africa. My research interests include Islam, gender and feminism, as well as femonationalism, Islamophobia and decolonial theory.

In my Ph.D. project, Digital Muslim Feminism in Scandinavia: Using Social Media to Amplify Islamic Feminist Messages and Struggles, I examine how a handful of Muslim content creators based in Scandinavia understand feminism and Islam, and how and why they disseminate it on Instagram.



August 2021-today: Ph.D in Study of Religion, University of Oslo.

August 2020-June 2021: Post-graduate Teaching Certificate (PPU), University of Oslo.

September 2018-July 2020: MA Study of Religion, University of Copenhagen.

September 2017-January 2018: Exchange semester at McGill University, Canada.

August 2015-June 2018: BA History of Religion, University of Oslo.


June 2022-d.d.: Co-editor Babylon - Nordisk Tidsskrift for Midtøstenstudier

August 2020-December 2020: Academic Writing Advisor, The Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo.

August 2019-January 2020: Research Intern at the ongoing research project Rearticulating Islam: A New Generation of Muslim Religious Leaders, University of Copenhagen.

May 2018-d.d.: Editorial member at VOKS tidsskrift.



Photo credit: Tuva Eid

Tags: Religious studies, History of Religion, Islam


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  • Mahmood, Amna (2022). Å forhandle med troen. Z filmtidsskrift. ISSN 0800-1464.

View all works in Cristin

Published Aug. 3, 2021 10:23 AM - Last modified Feb. 22, 2023 3:19 PM